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훈민정음 해례 제자해-2

by 광명인 2023. 12. 7.

訓民正音解例 制字解-2
원문참조: 훈민정음 해례본

초성은 모두 열 일곱자다.
There are a total of 17 initial consonants.

牙音ㄱ, 象舌根閉喉之形
아음ㄱ, 상설근폐후지형
아음(어금니 소리) ㄱ은 혀뿌리가 목구멍을 막는 모양을 본떴고,
The molar sound ㄱ imitates the shape of the tongue root blocking the throat;

舌音ㄴ, 象舌附上腭之形
설음ㄴ, 상설부상악지형
설음(혓 소리) ㄴ은 혀끝이 윗 잇몸에 붙는 모양을 본떴고,
The tongue sound ㄴ imitates the shape of the tip of the tongue sticking to the upper gums,

脣音ㅁ, 象口形
순음ㅁ, 상구형
순음(입술소리) ㅁ은 입의 모양을 본떴고,
The labial sound ㅁ imitates the shape of the mouth,

齒音ㅅ, 象齒形
치음ㅅ, 상치형
치음(잇 소리) ㅅ이빨 모양을 본떴으며,
The tooth sound ㅅ imitates the shape of teeth.

喉音ㅇ, 象喉形
후음ㅇ, 상후형
후음(목구멍 소리) ㅇ은 목구멍의 모양을 본뜬 것이다.
The guttural sound ㅇ imitates the shape of the throat.

ㅋ比ㄱ, 聲出稍厲, 故加畫
ㅋ비ㄱ, 성출초려, 고가화
ㅋ은 ㄱ에 비하여 소리 나는 것이 조금 센 까닭으로 획을 더하였다.
A stroke was added to ㅋ for it sounds a little stronger than ㄱ.

ㄴ而ㄷ, ㄷ而ㅌ, ㅁ而ㅂ, ㅂ而ㅍ, ㅅ而ㅈ, ㅈ而ㅊ, ㅇ而ㆆ, ㆆ而ㅎ, 
ㄴ에서 ㄷ, ㄷ에서 ㅌ, ㅁ에서 ㅂ, ㅂ에서 ㅍ, ㅅ에서 ㅈ, ㅈ에서 ㅊ, ㅇ에서 ㆆ, ㆆ에서 ㅎ으로 
From ㄴ to ㄷ, ㄷ to ㅌ, ㅁ to ㅂ, ㅂ to ㅍ, ㅅ to ㅈ, ㅈ to ㅊ, ㅇ to ㆆ, ㆆ to ㅎ, 

其因聲加畫之義皆同, 而唯ㆁ爲異
기인성가화지의개동, 이유ㆁ위이
그 소리의 세기를 기준으로 획을 더한 이치는 다 같으나, 오직 ㆁ만은 다르다.
the logic of adding strokes based on the strength of the sound is the same, but only ㆁ different.

半舌音ㄹ, 半齒音ㅿ, 亦象舌齒之形而異其體, 無加畫之義焉
반설음ㄹ, 반치음ㅿ, 역상설치지형이이기체, 무가화지의언
반설음 ㄹ과 반치음 ㅿ 역시 혀와 이의 모양을 본떠서 그 모양을 달리 했지만, 획을 더한 뜻이 없다.
The semilingual consonant ㄹ and the semidental consonant ㅿ are also shaped differently to imitate the shape of the tongue and teeth, but they do not have the meaning of adding strokes.

夫人之有聲, 本於五行. 故合諸四時而不悖, 叶之五音而不戾
부인지유성, 본어오행. 고합제사시이불패, 협지오음이불려
대개 사람의 소리는 오행에 근본을 둔 것으로 그 소리를 사계절에 어울려 보아도 어그러짐이 없고,  5음에 맞추어 보아도 틀리지 않는다.
In general, human voice sounds are based on the five elements, and the principle has no distortion even when the sounds are matched to the four seasons, and no mistake when viewed according to the five notes.

喉邃而潤, 水也
후수이윤, 수야
목구멍은 입안 깊은 곳에 있고 젖어 있으니, 오행의 수(水)에 해당한다.
The throat is located deep inside the mouth and is wet, corresponding to the water of the five elements.

聲虛而通. 如水虛明而流通也. 於時爲冬, 於音爲羽
성허이통, 여수허명이류통야. 어시위동, 어음위우
목구멍 소리는 허하고 통하여 물의 맑음과 같아 두루 통하니, 계절로는 겨울이요 음으로는 우(羽)이다.
The sound in the throat is hollow and clear, like the clearness of water, and penetrates everywhere. Its season is winter and the sound is Woo(羽).

牙錯而長, 木也
아착이장, 목야
어금니는 서로 어긋나고 길어서 오행의 목(木)에 해당한다.
The molars are misaligned and long, corresponding to the tree of the five elements.

聲似喉而實, 如木之生於水而有形也. 於時爲春, 於音爲角
성사후이실, 여목지생어수이유형야. 어시위춘, 어음위각
어금니 소리는 목구멍소리와 비슷하나 실하기 때문에 나무가 물에서 생겨나 그 형상이 있음과 같으니, 계절로는 이요 음으로는 각(角)이다.
The sound of the molars is similar to the sound of the throat, but because it is strong, it sounds like a tree emerging from water and having its shape. Its season is spring and the sound is Gak(角).

舌銳而動, 火也
설예이동, 화야
는 날카롭게 움직여서 오행의 화(火)에 해당한다.
The tongue moves sharply, corresponding to the fire of the five elements.

聲轉而颺, 如火之轉展而揚揚也. 於時爲夏, 於音爲徵
성전이양, 여화지전전이양양야.  어시위하, 어음위치
혀 소리가 구르고 날리는 것은 불이 이글거리며 활활 타 오름과 같고, 계절로는 여름이요 음으로는 치(徵)이다.
The sound of the tongue rolling and fluttering is like a blazing fire. Its season is summer, and the sound is Chi (徵).

齒剛而斷, 金也
치강이단, 금야
는 단단하고 다른 물건을 끊으니 오행의 금(金)에 해당한다.
The teeth are hard and cut through other objects, corresponding to the metal of the five elements.

聲屑而滯, 如金之屑𤨏 而鍛成也. 於時爲秋, 於音爲商
성설이체, 여금지설쇄 이단성야. 어시위추, 어음위상
잇 소리가 부스러지고 걸리는 것은 쇠가루가 단련되어 쇠를 이루어짐과 같고, 계절로는 가을이요 음으로는 상(商)이다.
The sound of teeth breaking and getting stuck is like iron powder being tempered and made into iron. Its season is autumn and the sound is Sang(商).

脣方而合, 土也。
순방이합, 토야
입술은 모나고 다물어지니 오행의 토(土)에 해당한다.
The lips are square and closed, corresponding to the earth of the five elements.

聲含而廣, 如土之含蓄萬物而廣大也. 於時爲季夏, 於音爲宮
성함이광, 여토지함축만물이광대야.  어시위계하, 어음위궁
입술 소리가 머금고 넓은 것은 땅이 만물을 감싸고 넓은 것 같고, 계절로는 늦여름이요 음으로는 궁(宮)이다.
The sound of the lips is deep and wide as if the earth is wide and encompassing all things. Its season is late summer, and the sound is Gung(宮).

乃生物之源, 乃成物之用, 故五行之中, 火爲大
연수내생물지원, 화내성물지용, 고오행지중, 수화위대
그러나 은 만물을 낳는 근원이요, 은 만물을 이루는 작용이기 때문에 오행 가운데서도 이 가장 중요하다.
However, water is the source of giving birth to all things, and fire is the function of forming all things, so water and fire are the most important among the five elements.

喉乃出聲之門, 舌乃辨聲之管, 故五音之中, 喉舌爲主也
후내출성지문, 설내변성지관, 고오음지중, 후설위주야
목구멍은 소리를 내는 문이요, 는 소리를 구별하는 기관이기 때문에 오음(아설순치후) 가운데서도 목구멍소리와 혓소리가 된다.
Since the throat is the door to producing sounds and the tongue is the organ of distinguishing sounds, the throat and tongue sounds are the main sounds even among the five notes of Woo, Gak, Chi, Sang, and Gung.

喉居後而牙次之, 北東之位也
후거후이아차지, 북동지위야
목구멍은 뒤에 있고 어금니가 다음이므로  목구멍 소리는 북쪽어금니 소리는 동쪽이다. 
Since the throat is at the back and the molars are next to follow, the throat sound is north and the molar sound is east.

舌齒又次之, 南西之位也
설치우차지, 남서지위야
혀와 이가 또 그 다음이므로 혓 소리는 남쪽잇 소리는 서쪽이다.
Tongue and teeth are next, so the tongue sound is south and the tooth sound is west.

脣居末, 土無定位而寄旺四季之義也
순거말, 토무정위이기왕사계지의야
입술이 끝에 있으므로 토는 일정한 방위 없이 사계절에 덧붙어서 왕성하게 한다는 뜻이다.
Since the lips are at the front embracing all, the earth is active in each four seasons without a fixed direction.

是則初聲之中, 自有陰陽五行方位之數也
시즉초성지중, 자유음양오행방위지수야
이런즉 초성 가운데에는 스스로 음양오행 방위의 수가 있는 것이다.
In this way, the initial consonants by themselves contain the numbers of the yin-yang and five elements.

또 성음의 청탁으로 말할 것 같으면
Also, when talking about the clearness and turbidity of voice sounds, 

ㄱㄷㅂㅈㅅㆆ, 爲全淸. ㅋㅌㅍㅊㅎ, 爲次淸. ㄲㄸㅃㅉㅆㆅ, 爲全濁. ㆁㄴㅁㅇㄹㅿ, 爲不淸不濁
ㄱㄷㅂㅈㅅㆆ, 위전청. ㅋㅌㅍㅊㅎ, 위차청. ㄲㄸㅃㅉㅆㆅ, 위전탁. ㆁㄴㅁㅇㄹㅿ, 위불청불탁
ㄱㄷㅂㅈㅅㆆ은 전청(무성무기음)이 되고, ㅋㅌㅍㅊㅎ은 차청(무성유기음)이 되고, ㄲㄸㅃㅉㅆㆅ은 전탁(무성무기성문폐쇄음)이 되고, ㆁㄴㅁㅇㄹㅿ은 불청불탁(유성음)이 된다.
ㄱㄷㅂㅈㅅㆆ becomes Jeoncheong (all voiceless aspirated sound), ㅌㅍㅊㅎ becomes Chacheong (secondary voiceless aspirated sound), ㄲㄸㅃㅉㅆㆅ becomes Jeontak (voiced sound), and ㆁㄴㅁㅇ ㄹㅿ becomes an Bulcheongbultak (voiced fricative sound) sound.

ㄴㅁㅇ, 其聲最不厲, 故次序雖在於後, 而象形制字則爲之始
ㄴㅁㅇ, 기성최불려, 고차서수재어후, 이상형제자즉위지시
ㄴㅁㆁ은 그 소리가 가장 거세지 않은 까닭으로 (훈민정음 23자음체계인 23자모표 상의 분류) 차례로는 비록 뒤에 있으나, 모양을 본떠서 글자를 만드는 데 있어서는 이들을 시초로 하였다.
Because the sound of ㄴㅁㆁ is not the strongest (based on the classification on the 23-letter table of the Hunminjeongeum 23-consonant system), although it is later in the order, these were used as the starting point in creating letters based on their shapes.

ㅅㅈ雖皆爲全淸, 而ㅅ比ㅈ, 聲不厲, 故亦爲制字之始
ㅅㅈ수개위전청, 이ㅅ비ㅈ, 성불려, 고역위제자지시
ㅅ과 ㅈ은 비록 다 조음위치가 같은 전청이지만, ㅅ이 ㅈ에 비하여 소리가 거세지 않은 까닭에 (ㅅ을) 또한 (치음) 글자를 만드는 데 있어서 시초로 하였다.
Although ㅅ and ㅈ are both Jeoncheong (all voiceless aspirated sounds) with the same place of articulation, because ㅅ does not have a stronger sound compared to ㅈ, so (ㅅ) was used as the starting point in creating (dental sound) letters.

唯牙之ㆁ, 雖舌根閉喉聲氣出鼻, 而其聲與ㅇ相似, 故韻書疑與喩多相混用
유아지ㆁ, 수설근폐후성기출비, 이기성여ㅇ상사, 고운서의여유다상혼용
다만 어금니 소리(연구개음)의 ㆁ만은 비록 혀뿌리가 목구멍을 닫아서 소리의 기운이 코로 나오지만 그 소리가 ㅇ과 비슷해서 운서에서도 ㆁ가 초성인 의(疑)자와 ㅇ이 초성인 유(喩)자가 자주 서로 혼용된다.
However, the molar sound (velar sound) ㆁ is similar to ㅇ, even though the root of the tongue closes the throat and the energy of the sound comes out through the nose, so in the rhyme book Unseo, the character ui (疑) with ㆁ as the initial consonant and the character yu (喩) with ㅇ as the initial consonant are often used interchangeably.

今亦取象於喉, 而不爲牙音制字之始
금역취상어후, 이불위아음제자지시
이제 ㆁ자를 목구멍을 본떠 만들었으나, 어금니(연구개음)소리의 글자 만드는 기초로 삼지 않은 것은
Now, the letter ㆁ was modeled after the throat, but the reason it was not used as the basis for creating letters for the molar (velar sound) sound is that 

盖喉屬水而牙屬木, ㆁ雖在牙而與ㅇ相似, 猶木之萌芽生於水而柔軟, 尙多水氣也
개후속수이아속목, ㆁ수재아이여ㅇ상사, 유목지맹아생어수이유연, 상다수기야
대개 목구멍을 오행의 수(水)에 속하고, 어금니는 오행의 목(木)에 속하는 까닭에, ㆁ은 비록 어금닛소리(아음)이지만, 목구멍소리인 ㅇ과 비슷하여 마치 나무의 싹이 물에서 나와 부드러우며 아직 물 기운이 많음과 같기 때문이다.
the throat usually belongs to the water (水) of the five elements, and the molars belong to the wood (木) of the five elements. Although it is a molar sound, it is similar to the throat sound ㅇ, like a tree sprout emerging from water and being soft and still full of water.

ㄱ木之成質, ㅋ木之盛長, ㄲ木之老壯, 故至此乃皆取象於牙也
ㄱ목지성질, ㅋ목지성장, ㄲ목지노장, 고지차내개취상어아야
ㄱ은 나무가 바탕을 이룬 것이요, ㅋ은 나무가 번성하게 자람이요, ㄲ은 나무가 나이 들어 씩씩하게 된 것이므로, 여기까지 모두 어금니에서 본뜬 것이다.
ㄱ is the basis of the tree, ㅋ is the tree growing prosperously, and ㄲ is the tree becoming stronger as it ages, so everything up to this point is modeled after the molar.

全淸並書則爲全濁, 以其全淸之聲凝則爲全濁也
전청병서즉위전탁, 이기전청지성응즉위전탁야
전청 글자를 나란히 쓰면 전탁 글자가 되는 것은 전청 소리가 엉기면, 곧 전탁 소리가 되기 때문이다.
The reason why the Jeoncheong (all voiceless aspirated sound) letters become Jeontak (voiced sound) letters when written side by side is because when the Jeoncheong sounds are combined, they soon become Jeontak sounds.

唯喉音次淸爲全濁者, 盖以ㆆ聲深不爲之凝, ㅎ比ㆆ聲淺, 故凝而爲全濁也
유후음차청위전탁자, 개이ㆆ성심불위지응, ㅎ비ㆆ성천, 고응이위전탁야
오직 목구멍소리의 차청인 ㅎ이 전탁 소리가 되는 것은 대개 ㆆ은 소리가 깊어서 엉기지 않고 ㅎ은 ㆆ에 비하여 소리가 얕기 때문에 엉기어 전탁 소리가 되기 때문이다.
The reason why ㅎ, which is the only throat sound called Chacheong (secondary voiceless aspirated sound), becomes Jeontak (voiced sound) is because ㆆ is not audible because it is deep, and ㅎ is shallow compared to ㆆ, so it is audible and becomes Jeontak.

ㅇ連書脣音之下, 則爲脣輕音者, 以輕音脣乍合而喉聲多也
ㅇ연서순음지하, 즉위순경음자, 이경음순사합이후성다야
ㅇ글자를 입술소리 아래 이어 쓰면 입술 가벼운 소리(순경음) 글자가 되는 것은 순경음은 가벼운 소리로서 입술을 잠깐 다물었다가 바로 열어서 목구멍소리가 많게 조음하기 때문이다.
If the letter ㅇ is written below the lip sound, it becomes a light lip sound because the lip sound is light and is made by closing the lips for a moment and then opening them immediately, making a lot of throat sounds.

'언어의 기원과 힘' 카테고리의 다른 글

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