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동의보감- 내경편 권1-37[神] 神統七情傷則爲病: 신은 칠정을,

by 광명인 2023. 11. 3.

神統七情傷則爲病: 신은 칠정을 거느리는데, 칠정(七情)이 상하면 병이 든다
[동의보감 원문 링크]

심(心)은 신(神)을 간직하여 우리 몸의 군주가 되어 칠정을 거느리고 여러 가지 일을 한다. 
칠정(七情)이란 희(喜)ㆍ노(怒)ㆍ우(憂)ㆍ사(思)ㆍ비(悲)ㆍ경(驚)ㆍ공(恐)이다. 
또한 혼(魂)ㆍ신(神)ㆍ의(意)ㆍ백(魄)ㆍ지(志)의 주인은 신(神)이기 때문에 이것들을 모두 신이라 부르기도 한다. 《내경주》

모든 감정과 정신작용을 통제하는 궁극의 통제처는 무엇인가?

《영추》에, "심(心)이 두려워하거나 생각이 많으면 신(神)을 상하게 한다. 
신(神)이 상하면 두려워서 멍하게 되고 군육(䐃肉)이 빠지며 
모발이 마르고 안색이 어두워지며 겨울에 죽는다. 
비(脾)가 근심, 걱정이 풀리지 않으면 의(意)를 상하게 한다. 
의(意)가 상하면 가슴이 답답하고 사지를 들지 못하며 
모발이 마르고 안색이 어두워지며 에 죽는다. 
간(肝)에서 슬픔이 일어나면 혼(魂)을 상하게 한다. 
혼(魂)이 상하면 광증이나 건망증이 생기고 정신이 또렷하지 않게 된다. 
정신이 또렷하지 않으면 행동이 바르지 않게 되고
전음이 위축되고 근육이 떨리며 양 옆구리를 들지 못하고, 
모발이 마르고 안색이 어두워지며 가을에 죽는다. 
폐(肺)가 너무 기뻐하고 즐거워하면 백(魄)을 상하게 한다. 
백(魄)이 상하면 미치게 되고 미치면 남을 의식하지 않으며 피부가 마르고 
모발이 마르며 안색이 어두워지고 여름에 죽는다. 
신(腎)이 지나치게 성을 내어 진정하지 못하면 지(志)를 상하게 한다. 
지(志)가 상하면 앞에 했던 말을 잘 잊어버리고, 요추를 굽혔다 폈다 할 수 없게 되며, 
모발이 마르고 안색이 어두워지며 늦여름에 죽는다. 
두려움[恐懼]이 사라지지 않으면 정(精)을 상하게 한다. 
정(精)이 상하면 뼈가 시리고 다리에 힘이 빠지며 때때로 정이 흘러내린다. 
이렇게 오장은 정을 저장하므로 오장을 상하게 해서는 안 된다. 
오장(五藏)이 상하면 정(精)을 지키지 못하여 음(陰)이 허해지고, 
음(陰)이 허해지면 기(氣)가 없어지며, 기(氣)가 없어지면 죽는다"고 하였다.

또, "두려워하거나 생각이 많으면 두려움에 정이 멎지 않고 흘러내린다. 
슬픔이 일어나면 기가 다하여서 생명을 잃게 된다. 
너무 기뻐하고 즐거워하면 신(神)이 흩어져서 간직되지 못한다. 
근심이 풀리지 않으면 기가 막혀서 흘러 다니지 못한다. 
지나치게 성내면 마음이 어지러워 추스를 수가 없다. 
두려워하면 신(神)이 흩어져 거둘 수가 없다"고 하였다.

《내경》에, "오장의 정기(精氣)가 몰리는 것은 다음과 같다. 
정기가 심(心)에 몰리면 기뻐하고, 
폐(肺)에 몰리면 슬퍼하며, 
간(肝)에 몰리면 근심하고, 
비(脾)에 몰리면 두려워하고, 
신(腎)에 몰리면 무서워한다"고 하였다. 
주(註)에, "폐가 허하여 심정(心精)이 아우르면 기뻐하고, 
간(肝)이 허하여 폐기가 아우르면 슬퍼한다. 다른 장기도 이와 같다. 
'우(憂-근심)'는 '노(怒-성냄)로' 고쳐야 하고, '외(畏-두려움)'는 '사(思-생각)로 고쳐야 한다. "

지나치게 기뻐하여 심(心)이 상하면 빨리 걸을 수 없고 오래 서 있을 수 없다. 
성을 내어 간(肝)이 상하면 기가 올라와 참을 수 없고 
열기가 가슴을 치며 숨이 짧아서 끊어질 것 같고 숨을 잘 쉴 수 없다. 
근심으로 폐(肺)가 상하면 심계(心系)가 당겨서 상초가 막히고 
영위가 통하지 않게 되어 밤에 누우면 불안해진다. 
생각을 많이 하여 비(脾)가 상하면 기가 흐르지 않고 머물러 중완에 적취가 생기고, 
음식을 먹지 못하며 배가 불러 오르고 사지가 나른하다. 
슬퍼하여 심포(心包)가 상하면 건망증이 심해져서 사람을 알아보지 못하고 
물건을 어딘가에 두고서도 다시 찾지 못하며 근육이 떨리고 사지에 부종이 생긴다. 
두려움으로 신(腎)이 상하면 상초에서는 기가 막혀 흐르지 못하고 
하초에서는 기가 되돌아와 흩어지지 못하여 우유부단하게 되고 구역질을 하며 속이 메스껍다. 
놀라서 담(膽)이 상하면 신(神)이 갈 곳이 없고 
생각이 안정되지 못하여 말도 안 되는 이야기를 급하게 말한다. 《득효》

《영추》에, "지의(志意)는 정신(精神)을 부리고 혼백(魂魄)을 모으며 온도[寒溫]에 맞추고 희노(喜怒)를 조화시킨다. 
지의(志意)가 조화로우면 정신이 올바르고 혼백이 흩어지지 않으며 
후회와 분노가 일어나지 않고 오장이 사기(邪氣)를 받지 않는다"고 하였다.

[The Spirit Commands the Seven Emotions; One Gets Sick When the Seven Emotions Are Damaged]

心藏神, 爲一身君主, 統攝七情, 酬酢萬機. 七情者, 喜怒憂思悲驚恐也. 又魂神意魄志, 以爲神主, 故亦皆名神也. 《內經註》
The heart stores spirit and does a lot of work by commanding the seven emotions as the master of the body. The seven emotions refer to joy, anger, anxiety, thought, sorrow, fright, and fear. Also, because spirit is the master of the heavenly soul, spirit, ideation, earthly soul, and will, they are all sometimes called spirits.

靈樞曰, 心怵惕思慮則傷神, 神傷則恐懼自失, 破䐃脫肉, 毛悴色夭, 死于冬. 脾憂愁而不解則傷意, 意傷則悗亂, 四肢不擧, 毛悴色夭, 死于春. 肝悲哀動中則傷魂, 魂傷則狂忘不精, 不精則不正, 當人陰縮而攣筋, 兩脇骨不擧, 毛悴色夭, 死于秋. 肺喜樂無極則傷魄, 魄傷則狂, 狂者意不存人, 皮革焦, 毛悴色夭, 死于夏. 腎盛怒而不止則傷志, 志傷則喜忘其前言, 腰脊不可以俛仰屈伸, 毛悴色夭, 死于季夏. 恐懼而不解則傷精, 精傷則骨痠痿厥, 精時自下. 是故五藏主藏精者也. 不可傷. 傷則失守而陰虛, 陰虛則無氣, 無氣則死矣.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "When the heart feels fear or if there is too much thought, the spirit is damaged. When the spirit is damaged, he or she becomes fearful and absent-minded, loses weight, hair dries, and face darkens; the person will die in winter. If anxiety and worries do not go away from the spleen, ideation gets damaged. When ideation is damaged, one feels tight around the chest, hair dries, face darkens, and the person will die in spring. If sorrow arises from the liver, it damages the ethereal soul. When the heavenly soul is damaged, maniac psychosis or forgetfulness occurs, and one's mind becomes corporeal soul." The earthly soul is damaged, maniac psychosis or forgetfulness occurs, and one's mind becomes unclear. If one's mind is not clear, one's behavior is not straight, anterior yin contracts, muscles quiver, the person cannot lift both sides, hair dries, face darkens, and the person will die in autumn. If the lungs are too joyous and pleased, it damages the corporeal soul. When the corporeal soul is damaged, one becomes crazy, does not perceive others, skin and hair dry, face darkens, and the person dies in summer. If the kidneys show too much anger and cannot calm down, it damages will. When will is damaged, one forgets what he or she just said, cannot bend or unfold one's lower back, hair dries and face darkens, and the person will die in late summer. If one's fears do not go away, it damages essence. When essence is damaged, one's bones feel chilly and the legs become weak. Sometimes essence runs down. Likewise, the five viscera store essence, and therefore the five viscera must not be damaged. If they are damaged, essence cannot be protected and yin becomes deficient, which in turn leads to the depletion of qi. One dies if qi is depleted." 

又曰, 怵惕思慮者, 恐懼流淫而不止. 悲哀動中者, 竭絶而失生. 喜樂無極者, 神蕩散而不藏. 愁憂不解者, 氣閉塞而不行. 盛怒者, 迷惑而不治. 恐懼者, 神蕩散而不收.
It also says, "If one is fearful or has too much thought, the essence flows down and does not stop because of fear. When sorrow rises, qi is depleted and one loses life. If one is too joyous or too pleased, the spirit is dissipated and cannot be stored. If one continues to be anxious, qi gets blocked and cannot flow. If one shows too much anger, his or her mind becomes disorderly and it cannot be straightened up. If one is fearful, one's spirit dissipates and cannot be gathered." 

內經曰, 五精所幷, 精氣幷於心則喜, 幷於肺則悲, 幷於肝則憂, 幷於脾則畏, 幷於腎則恐. 註曰, 肺虛而心精幷之則爲喜, 肝虛而肺氣幷之則爲悲, 他藏倣此, 憂當作怒, 畏當作思
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "How essence qi is gathered together in the five viscera is as follows: when essence-qi is gathered in the heart, one is pleased. When it is gathered in the lungs, one is sorrowful. When it is gathered in the liver, one is anxious. When it is gathered in the spleen, one is terrified. When it is gathered in the kidneys, one is fearful." [The Annotation says, "If the lungs are deficient and so heart essence takes over, one is joyous. If the liver is deficient and so lung qi takes over, one is sorrowful. Other organs are also like this. 'Anxious' should be modified to 'angry', and 'terrified' should be modified to 'too deep in thought."] 

喜傷心者, 不可疾行, 不可久立. 怒傷肝者, 上氣不可忍, 熱氣盪胸, 短氣欲絶, 不得息. 憂傷肺者, 心系急, 上焦閉, 榮衛不通, 夜臥不安. 思傷脾者, 氣留不行, 積聚中脘, 不得飮食, 腹脹滿, 四肢怠惰. 悲傷心包者, 善忘, 不識人, 置物在處, 還取不得, 筋攣, 四肢浮腫. 恐傷腎者, 上焦氣閉不行, 下焦回還不散, 猶豫不決, 嘔逆惡心. 驚傷膽者, 神無所歸, 慮無所定, 說物不意而迫. 《得效》
If one's heart is damaged because one is too joyous, one cannot walk fast or stand up for a long time. If one's liver is damaged because one is angry, one cannot endure ascending qi, heat qi collides with the chest, breaths will be so short that they cannot last, and there will be difficulty in breathing. If one's lungs are damaged by anxiety, his or her heart area receives tension, blocking the upper energizer and preventing the flow of nutrients and defense qi, which makes the person anxious when he or she lies down at night. If one's spleen is damaged because of too much thought, qi cannot flow and aggregation-accumulation forms in the abdominal region. One's stomach swells up because he or she cannot eat food, and the limbs feel wary. If one's pericardium is damaged because of sorrow, forgetfulness becomes severe and so he or she cannot recognize people or find things that he or she has put aside. The muscles tremble and edema forms in the limbs. If one's kidney is damaged because of fear, qi gets blocked in the upper energizer and cannot flow. However, qi returns in the lower energizer and cannot dissipate, making one indecisive, vomit, and nauseous. If one's gallbladder is damaged by fright, the spirit has nowhere to go. Moreover, his or her thoughts are not stable, so he or she tells stories that do not make sense at a rapid pace. 

靈樞曰, 志意者, 所以御精神, 收魂魄, 適寒溫, 和喜怒者也. 志意和, 則精神專直, 魂魄不散, 悔怒不起, 五藏不受邪矣.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "Will and ideation command essence and spirit, gather ethereal and corporeal souls, adapt to coldness and warmness, and harmonize joy and anger. If will and ideation are harmonious, one's mind is straight, his or her ethereal soul and corporeal soul do not dissipate, regret and resentment do not rise, and the five viscera do not accept pathogenic qi."