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동의보감- 내경편 권1-38[神] 칠정(七情)의 종류

by 광명인 2023. 11. 4.

七情의 종류: 희(喜)노(怒)우(憂)사(思)비(悲)경(驚)공(恐)
[동의보감 원문 링크]


"심(心)의 지(志)는 기쁨[喜]이다"라 하였다. 
또, "심이 실하면 웃는다. 웃는다는 것은 기뻐한다는 것이다"라 하였다. 
또, "갑자기 기뻐하면 양을 상한다"고 하였다. 
또, "기뻐하거나 성내면 기를 상한다"고 하였다. 
또, "희노를 절제하지 못하고 한서(寒暑)가 과도하면 생명을 지킬 수 없다"고 하였다. 
또, "기뻐하면 기가 느슨해진다. 기뻐하면 기가 조화롭게 되고 뜻이 활달해져 영위가 잘 통하므로 기가 느슨해진다"고 하였다.

황보밀이, "기쁨은 심에서 시작되고 폐에서 완성된다. 그러므로 정도가 지나치면 두 장기가 모두 상한다"고 하였다.

《영추》에, "기쁨과 즐거움이 지나치면 신(神)이 흩어져서 간직되지 못한다"고 하였다. 또, "끝없이 기뻐하고 즐거워하면 백(魄)이 상한다"고 하였다. 백은 폐의 신(神)이다.


"간(肝)의 지(志)는 성냄[怒]이다"라 하였다. 
또, "갑자기 성내면 음을 상한다"고 하였다. 
또, "크게 성내면 형기가 끊어져 혈이 상부에서 뭉치므로[菀] 박궐(薄厥)울(菀)은 울(鬱)이다. 
박궐은 기절한 것이다이 생긴다"고 하였다. 
또, "혈이 상부에 몰리고 기가 하부에 몰리면 가슴이 답답하고 화를 잘 낸다"고 하였다. 
또, "성내면 기가 거슬러 오른다"고 하였다. 
또, "성내면 기가 거슬러 오르고 심하면 피를 토하고 소화되지 않은 것이 그대로 대변으로 나온다"고 하였다. 
주(註)에, "성내면 양기가 거슬러 오르고 간목(肝木)이 비를 억누르기 때문에 
피를 토하고 소화되지 않은 것이 그대로 대변으로 나온다"고 하였다. 
또, "담(膽)은 노(怒)에 해당간담병은 실하면 노하게 된다한다"고 하였다. 
또, "음분(陰分)의 사기가 양분(陽分)으로 나오면 성낸다"고 하였다.

《강목》에, "성내는 것은 음 때문이다. 
음이 양을 가로막아서 양이 펼쳐지지 못하는 것이다"라 하였다. 
동원이, "성을 많이 내는 것은 풍열이 땅 속으로 들어간 것이다"라 하였다.

선현의 시에, 
"성을 내어 불이 심하게 타오르면 온화함을 태워 스스로를 상하게 된다. 
일을 당하면 다투지 말라. 지나고 나면 마음이 맑아질 테니"라 하였다. 
유공도는 양생을 잘하여 80살이 넘어도 발걸음이 가볍고 힘이 있었다. 
어떤 사람이 그 방법을 물었다. 
그가, "별다른 방법이 있는 것이 아니다. 
평생동안 원기를 희노에 쓰지 않고 늘 기해(氣海)를 따뜻하게 하였을 뿐이다"라고 답하였다. 《연수서》

칠정이 모두 사람을 상하게 하지만 그 중에 성내는 것이 가장 심하다. 
성내면 간목(肝木)이 비토(脾土)를 누른다. 비토가 상하면 다른 네 장기도 모두 상하게 된다. 《강목》

성내는 것을 치료할 때는 향부자 가루ㆍ감초 가루 각 1냥을 고르게 섞어 3돈씩 끓인 물에 타서 먹는다. 《단심》


"폐(肺)의 지(志)는 걱정[憂]이다"라 하였다. 
또, "근심을 하면 기가 가라앉는다"고 하였다.

《영추》에, "근심, 걱정이 풀어지지 않으면 의(意)를 상한다"고 하였다. 
의(意)는 비(脾)의 신(神)이다. 또, "근심, 걱정이 지나치면 기가 막혀 흐르지 못한다"고 하였다. 
근심하면 막혀서 통하지 않고 기(氣)와 맥(脉)이 끊어져 위아래로 통하지 못한다. 
기가 안에서 막히면 대소변의 길이 비뚤어져 대소변이 잘 나오지 않는다.


"비(脾)의 지(志)는 생각[思]이다"라 하였다. 
또, "생각을 하면 기가 뭉친다"고 하였다. 
주(註)에, "마음에 걸려서 흩어지지 않기 때문에 기도 머물러 뭉치게 된다"고 하였다.

황보밀이, "생각은 비(脾)에서 일어나서 심(心)에서 완성되므로 생각을 많이 하면 두 장(藏)이 모두 상한다"고 하였다.

《영추》에, "뜻[志]을 간직하면서 변화에 대처하는 것을 사(思)라 하고, 
사(思)에 근거하여 멀리 내다보는 것을 려(慮)라고 한다"고 하였다. 
또, "두려워하거나 생각이 지나치게 많으면 신(神)이 상한다. 
신(神)이 상하면 두려워하고 정이 멎지 않고 흘러내린다"고 하였다.


"폐(肺)의 지(志)는 슬픔[悲]이다"라 하였다. 
또, "심(心)이 허하면 슬퍼진다. 슬퍼진다는 것은 걱정을 한다는 것이다"라 하였다. 
또, "정기(精氣)가 폐에 몰리면 슬퍼한다"고 하였다. 
이것은 간이 허하여 폐기가 아우르기 때문에 슬퍼하는 것이다. 
또, "슬퍼하면 기가 소모된다"고 하였다. 
또, "폐는 살(殺)을 주관하므로 오지(五志) 중에서 슬픔이 된다"고 하였다.

《영추》에, "슬픔이 일어나면 혼을 상한다"고 하였다. 
또, "슬픔이 일어나면 기가 다하여서 생명을 잃게 된다"고 하였다.


"경(驚)이란 가슴이 갑자기 두근거리며 편안하지 않은 것이고, 
계(悸)란 가슴이 두근거리면서 두려워하는 것이다"라 하였다.

"경계란 크게 놀라서 생긴 것으로 심경담섭(心驚膽懾)이라 한다. 
병이 심경과 담경에 있으면 맥이 크게 뛴다. 


"신(腎)의 지(志)는 두려움[恐]이다"라 하였다. 
또, "위(胃)가 두려움이 된다"고 하였다. 
주(註)에, "위열(胃熱)이 있으면 신기(腎氣)가 미약해지기 때문에 두려워진다"고 하였다. 
또, "정기(精氣)가 신(腎)에 몰리면 두려워한다"고 하였다. 
이것은 심(心)이 허하여 신기(腎氣)가 아우르기 때문에 두려워하는 것이다.

《영추》에, "족소음맥에 병이 들면 두려워한다"고 하였다. 
또, "두려움이 해소되지 않으면 정(精)을 상한다"고 하였다. 
또, "두려워하면 신(神)이 흩어져 거둘 수가 없다"고 하였다. 
또, "두려워하면 기가 하행한다"고 하였다. 
주(註)에, "상초는 꽉 막히고 하초로 기가 되돌아오기 때문에 기가 흐르지 못하는 것이다"라 하였다.

자화(子和)가, "간은 혈을 간직한다. 
혈이 부족하면 두려워한다"고 하였다. 
간담이 실하면 성을 잘 내고 용감하며, 허하면 두려움이 많고 용감하지 않다.

《강목》에, "공(恐)과 경(驚)은 비슷하다. 
경(驚)은 그 대상을 알지 못하는 것이고 공(恐)은 자기가 아는 것이다. 
경(驚)은 소리를 듣고 놀라는 경우이다. 
공(恐)은 다른 사람이 잡으러 오는 것 같은 생각이 들거나 혼자 있을 수 없어서 다른 사람과 함께 있어야만 두렵지 않은 경우이다. 혹은 밤에 반드시 불을 켜야 하고 등이나 촛불이 없으면 두려워하는 경우이다"라 하였다.

[喜 Joy]

內經曰, 心在志爲喜. 又曰, 心實則笑, 笑則喜. 又曰, 暴喜傷陽. 又曰, 喜怒傷氣. 又曰, 喜怒不節, 寒暑過度, 生乃不固. 又曰, 喜則氣緩. 盖喜則氣和志達, 榮衛通利, 故氣緩矣.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the heart is joy." It also says, "One laughs if the heart is excessive. To laugh is to be joyous." It also says, "Being joyous all of a sudden damages yang." It also says, "Getting angry all of a sudden damages qi." It also says, "If one cannot control one's joy and anger, and if cold and summer heat are excessive, one cannot protect one's life." It also says, "Qi becomes loose if one is joyous. When one is joyous, qi is harmonized and one's will become active, allowing nutrient and defense gi to flow well, which then loosens qi."

皇甫謐曰, 喜發於心而成於肺, 故過節則二藏俱傷.
Huang Fumi (皇甫謐) said, "Joy originates from the heart and is perfected in the lungs. Therefore, if the degree of joy is excessive, both organs are damaged." 

靈樞曰, 喜樂者, 神蕩散而不藏. 又曰, 喜樂無極則傷魄, 魄爲肺神也.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "If joy and pleasure are excessive, spirit dissipates and cannot be stored." It also says, "Enjoying and feeling pleasure endlessly damages the corporeal soul." The corporeal soul is the spirit of the lungs.

[怒 Anger]

內經曰, 肝在志爲怒. 又曰, 暴怒傷陰. 又曰, 大怒則形氣絶而血菀於上, 使人薄厥菀, 鬱也. 薄厥謂氣絶也. 又曰, 血幷於上, 氣幷於下, 心煩惋善怒. 又曰, 怒則氣上. 又曰, 怒則氣逆, 甚則嘔血, 及飱泄矣. 註云, 怒則陽氣逆上, 而肝木乘脾, 故嘔血及飱泄也. 又曰, 膽爲怒肝膽之病, 實則爲怒. 又曰, 陰出之陽則怒.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the liver is anger." It also says, "Being angry all of a sudden damages yin." It also says, "Great anger depletes physical qi, causing blood to thicken in the upper part of the body, which in turn leads to minor syncope. [Thick means stagnation. Minor syncope is when one faints]. It also says, "When blood gathers in the upper part of the body and gi in the lower part of the body, one feels tightness around the chest and easily gets upset." It also says, "Anger causes gi to counterflow, and if it gets severe, one coughs up blood, and undigested food comes out in the feces." The Annotation says, "When one gets angry, yang qi ascends, and the liver Wood suppresses the spleen, causing one to cough up blood and undigested food to come out in the feces." It also says, "The gallbladder corresponds to anger. [When liver and gallbladder diseases become excessive, one gets angry]." It also says, "One gets angry when pathogenic qi in the yin aspect comes out to the yang aspect."

綱目曰, 怒在陰, 陽爲陰閉遏而不得伸也. 東垣曰, 多怒者, 風熱陷下於地中是也.
The Compendium of Medicine (綱目) says, "Anger is caused by yin. It is caused because yin blocks yang and so yang cannot be spread out." Dongyuan (東垣) said, "Showing much anger means that wind heat has gone under the ground." 

先賢詩曰, 怒來劇炎火, 焚和徒自傷, 觸來勿與競, 事過心淸涼. 柳公度善養生, 年八十餘, 步履輕健, 或求其術. 答曰, 吾無術, 但平生, 未嘗以元氣佐喜怒, 使氣海常溫耳. 《延壽書》
Poems of ancient sages say, "When one gets angry, causing Fire to burn up greatly, it burns geniality and thus damages itself. Do not fight when in trouble. The mind will be clear once it all passes." Liu Gongdu (9 A) did well in life nurturing, and his steps were light and strong even when he was over 80 years old. Someone asked how he did this. He answered, "There is no special method. I did not waste my genuine qi in joy and anger my whole life, and I have always kept my CV6 area warm."

七情傷人, 惟怒爲甚. 盖怒則肝木便克脾土, 脾傷則四藏俱傷矣. 《綱目》
The seven emotions all damage people, but among them, anger is the most severe one. When one is angry, the liver Wood suppresses the spleen Earth. If the spleen Earth is damaged, the other four viscera get damaged, too.

治怒方, 香附末ㆍ甘草(末) 各一兩, 右和勻, 每三錢, 白湯調下. 《丹心》
When treating anger, mix 1 nyang of Cyperi Rhizoma (香附末) powder and 1 nyang of Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) powder well, and put it in boiled water by 3 don and drink.

[憂 Anxiety]

內經曰, 肺在志爲憂. 又曰, 憂則氣沈.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the lungs is anxiety." It also says, "Anxiety causes qi to sink." 

靈樞曰, 愁憂不解則傷意, 意爲脾神也. 又曰, 愁憂者, 氣閉塞而不行. 盖憂則隔塞否閉, 氣脉斷絶而上下不通也. 氣固於內, 則大小便道偏, 不得通泄也.
Divine Pivot (樞) says, "When anxiety and worries are not solved, it damages ideation." Ideation is the spirit of the spleen. It also says, "If anxiety and worries are excessive, qi gets blocked and cannot flow." When one is anxious, qi and vessels get blocked, cannot flow, and they disconnect so they cannot flow up and down. If qi is blocked inside, passages for feces and urine get crooked, causing difficulty in discharging feces and urine.

[思 Thought]

內經曰, 脾在志爲思. 又曰, 思則氣結. 註云, 繫心不散, 故氣亦停留而結也.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the spleen is thought." It also says, "Thought causes qi to bind."  The Annotation says, "Because one's mind is troubled and anxiety does not dissipate, qi also stays and binds."

皇甫謐曰, 思發於脾而成於心, 過節則二藏俱傷.
Huang Fumi (皇甫謐) said, "Thought arises from the spleen and is perfected in the heart, so when one thinks too much, both organs are damaged." 

靈樞曰, 因志而存變謂之思, 因思而遠慕謂之慮. 又曰, 怵惕思慮則傷神, 神傷則恐懼流淫而不止.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "To think is to keep one's will and to cope with changes, and to be discreet is to anticipate based on thoughts." It also says, "One's spirit is damaged when one is afraid or when one thinks too much. One is afraid and the essence runs down when the spirit is damaged."

[悲 Sorrow]

內經曰, 肺之志爲悲. 又曰, 心虛則悲, 悲則憂. 又曰, 精氣幷於肺則悲, 肝虛而肺氣幷之則爲悲. 又曰, 悲則氣消. 又曰, 肺主殺, 故其志爲悲.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the lungs is sorrow." It also says, "One becomes sorrowful when the heart is deficient. To be sorrowful means to be anxious." It also says, "One is sorrowful when essence qi is gathered up in the lungs." One becomes sorrowful because the liver has become deficient and thus lung qi has taken over. It also says, "Qi is exhausted when one is sorrowful." It also says, "The lungs command suppression, so it becomes sorrow among the five minds." 

靈樞曰, 悲哀動中則傷魂. 又曰, 悲哀動中者, 竭絶而失生.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "When sorrow rises, the ethereal soul is damaged." It also says, "When sorrow rises, qi is depleted and so one loses one's life."

[驚 Fright]

綱目曰, 驚者, 心卒動而不寧也. 悸者, 心跳動而怕驚也.
The Compendium of Medicine (綱目) says, "Fright is when one's heart pounds suddenly and feels uncomfortable. Palpitations are when one's heart pounds and feels afraid." 

三因曰, 驚悸, 因事有所大驚而成者, 名曰心驚膽懾. 病在心膽經, 其脉大動, 宜朱砂安神丸ㆍ鎭心丹ㆍ加味溫膽湯.
The Treatise on and Formulas for the Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors (三因) says, "Palpitation occurs when one is greatly frightened, and it is also called Simgyeong damseop (frightened heart and fearful gallbladder, 心驚膽懾). Pulses beat large when the disease is in the heart meridian or the gallbladder meridian. One should use a Calm Spirit Cinnabar Pill, Calm Heart Elixir, or Augmented Gallbladder-Warming Decoction."

[恐 Fear]

內經曰, 腎在志爲恐. 又曰, 胃爲恐. 註曰, 胃熱則腎氣微弱, 故爲恐. 又曰, 精氣幷於腎則恐. 由心虛而腎氣幷之, 故爲恐.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the kidneys is fear." It also says, "The stomach becomes fear." The Annotation says, "When one has stomach heat, he or she gets fearful because kidney qi becomes weak." They also say, "One is fearful if his or her essence qi is gathered in the kidneys." This is because the heart is deficient and so kidney qi takes over. 
靈樞曰, 足少陰之脉, 病善恐. 又曰, 恐懼而不解則傷精. 又曰, 恐懼者, 神蕩散而不收. 又曰, 恐則氣下. 註曰, 上焦固禁, 下焦氣還, 故氣不行矣.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "One gets fearful when one's kidney meridian is damaged." It also says, "One's essence is damaged if his or her fear is not removed." It also says, "If one fears, his or her spirit is scattered and cannot be gathered." It also says, "If one fears, qi flows downward." The Annotation says, "Qi cannot flow because the upper energizer is blocked and so qi returns to the lower energizer." 

子和曰, 肝藏血, 血不足則恐. 盖肝膽實則怒而勇敢, 虛則善恐而不敢也.
Zhang Zihe (子和) said, "The liver stores blood. One fears if blood is deficient." One easily gets angry and brave when the liver and gallbladder are excessive, but one is scared and not brave when the liver and gallbladder are deficient. 

綱目曰, 恐與驚相似. 然驚者, 爲自不知也. 恐者, 爲自知也. 盖驚者, 聞響乃驚. 恐者, 自知如人將捕之狀, 及不能獨自坐臥, 必須人爲伴侶, 方不恐懼, 或夜必用燈照, 無燈燭, 亦恐懼者, 是也.
The Compendium of Medicine (綱目) says, "Fear and fright are similar. Fright is when one is scared of an unknown object, and fear is when one gets scared of a known object. Fright is when one is frightened by sound. Fear is when one feels as if others are chasing after him or her, or when he or she cannot be alone, and being with others makes him or her comfortable. Or it is when one has to turn on the light during the night and is afraid if there is no lamp or candlelight."