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동의보감- 내경편 권1-34[神] 神爲一身之主: 신은 우리 몸의 주인

by 광명인 2023. 10. 31.

神爲一身之主: 신은 우리 몸의 주인이다
[동의보감 원문 링크]

"심(心)군주의 기관이니 신명(神明)이 나온다"고 하였다.

"천일(天一)이 수(水)를 낳으니 사람에게서 정(精)이 되고, 
지이(地二)가 화(火)를 낳으니 사람에게서 신(神)이 된다"고 하였다.

"심(心)은 우리 몸의 주인이고 청정한 곳인데 밖으로는 포락(胞絡)이 감싸고 있다. 
그 중에서 정화(精華)가 모인 것을 신(神)이라 한다. 
신(神)은 음양(陰陽)을 통하고 아주 미세한 것까지 살피면서도 혼란함이 없다"고 하였다.

"신(神)은 심(心)에서 다스리고, 
기(氣)는 신(腎)에서 다스리며, 
형(形)은 머리[首]에서 다스린다. 
형(形)과 기(氣)가 교류할 때 신(神)이 그 중심에서 주관하는데 이것이 삼재(三才)의 도이다"라 하였다.

"양생의 으뜸은 신(神)을 기르는 것이고 그 다음은 형(形)을 기르는 것이다. 
그러므로 신(神)을 기르는 자는 반드시 형(形)의 비수(肥瘦), 영위와 혈기(血氣)의 성쇠를 알아야 한다. 
혈기(血氣)란 사람의 신(神)이니 신중하게 기르지 않으면 안 된다"고 하였다. 
"신(神)이 편안하면 오래 살고 
신(神)이 사라지면 형(形)이 무너지기 때문에 신중하게 기르지 않으면 안 된다"고 하였다.

五味生神: 오미에서 신이 생긴다

"하늘은 오기(五氣)로 사람을 먹이고 땅은 오미(五味)로 사람을 먹인다. 
오기(五氣)는 코로 들어가 심폐(心肺)에 저장된다. 
위로 올라가 오색을 밝고 윤택하게 하고 목소리를 밝게 드러나게 한다. 
오미(五味)는 입으로 들어가 장위(腸胃)에 저장되고 각각 오장의 기를 길러준다. 
오장의 기가 조화롭게 생겨나면 진액이 만들어지고 신(神)이 저절로 생겨난다"고 하였다.

[The Spirit Is the Master of the Body]

內經曰, 心者, 君主之官, 神明出焉.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The heart is the king of organs from which bright spirit originates."

無名子曰, 天一生水, 在人曰精, 地二生火, 在人曰神.
Someone said, "Heaven-One gives birth to Water, which becomes essence(精) in humans, and Earth-Two gives birth to Fire, which becomes spirit(神) in humans."

回春曰, 心者一身之主, 淸淨之府, 外有包絡以羅之. 其中精華之聚萃者, 名之曰神, 通陰陽, 察纖毫, 無所紊亂.
The Recovery from the Myriad Diseases (回春) says, "The heart is the master of the human body, and it is a pure place surrounded by the pericardium. Of that, in which the glorious essence is gathered is called the spirit. Spirit helps the flow of yin and yang, looks after the tiniest things, and yet there is no disorder in it.

邵子曰, 神統於心, 氣統於腎, 形統於首. 形氣交而神主乎其中, 三才之道也.
Shao Kangjie (邵子) said, "The heart controls the spirit, the kidneys controls qi, and the head controls form. Spirit controls the exchange of form and gi in the center; this is the way of the Triple Gifts." 

內經曰, 太上養神, 其次養形. 故養神者, 必知形之肥瘦, 榮衛血氣之盛衰. 血氣者, 人之神, 不可不謹養也. 註云, 神安則壽延, 神去則形㢢. 故不可不謹養也.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The top priority of life nurturing is to nurture spirit, and the next priority is to nurture form. Therefore, one who nurtures spirit must be familiar with the fattening and emaciating of form as well as the rise and decline of nutrient-defense qi and blood-qi. Because blood and qi are the spirit of a person, one should nurture it with great care." Annotation say, "One lives long if one's spirit is stable, but one's form collapses if the spirit is gone. Therefore, it should be nurtured with great care."

內經曰, 天食人以五氣, 地食人以五味. 五氣入鼻, 藏於心肺, 上使五色修明, 音聲能彰. 五味入口, 藏於腸胃, 味有所藏, 以養五氣, 氣和而生, 津液相成, 神乃自生.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "Heaven feeds humans with the five qi, and earth feeds humans with the five flavors. The five qi enter the nose and are stored in the heart and the lungs. They ascend upward, lighten and make abundant the five colors, and make the voice come out cheerfully. The five flavors enter the mouth and are stored in the intestines and stomach. Each of them nurtures the qi of the five viscera. When the qi of the five viscera is created harmoniously, fluid and essence are formed, and spirit is created automatically."