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전통 수행법/동의보감

동의보감- 내경편 권1-39[神] 怔忡 정충

by 광명인 2023. 11. 5.

怔忡 정충
[동의보감 원문 링크]

"정충이란 가슴이 두근거리면서 불안하고 다른 사람이 잡아갈까 두려워하는 것이다. 
부귀에 급급하거나 빈천을 근심하거나 소원을 이루지 못해 생긴다"고 하였다.

《강목》에, "정충이란 가슴이 두근거리면서 편안하지 않은 것이다"라 하였다.

심(心)이 허하여 담(痰)이 울체되면 
큰 소리를 듣거나 이상한 물건을 보거나 위험을 만나거나 어떤 일에 상심하였을 때 매우 걱정하게 된다. 
이것이 경계(驚悸)이다. 
심(心)이 허하여 수(水)가 머무르면 가슴속에 수(水)가 스며들고 허기(虛氣)가 흘러 다닌다. 
수가 올라오면 심화(心火)가 싫어하므로 저절로 마음이 불편하여 좋지 않게 된다. 이것이 정충이다. 《직지》

정충이란 가슴속이 두려운 듯 떨리며 안정되지 않는 것인데 이 증상은 아무 때나 생긴다. 《정전》

心澹澹大動 가슴이 울렁거리면서 크게 뛰는 것

"가슴이 울렁거리면서 뛰는 것은 담(痰)이 요동하기 때문이다. 
놀란 적이 없어도 저절로 가슴이 뛰는 것을 말한다. 
놀라거나 두려운 경우에도 가슴이 울렁거린다고 하는데, 두려워하거나 놀라서 가슴이 뛰는 것을 말한다"고 하였다.

"수궐음맥에 이상이 있으면 병이 들어[是動則病] 가슴이 울렁거리면서 크게 뛴다"고 하였다. 
또, "담병(膽病)이 들면 가슴이 울렁거리고 다른 사람이 잡으러 올까 두려워한다"고 하였다.

"태양이 사천(司天)하여 한(寒)이 성하면 가슴이 울렁거리면서 크게 뛴다"라 하였다. 
한寒이 심포를 상한 것이다.

석(釋)에, "담담(澹澹)은 물이 출렁거리는 모양이다. 
음병(飮病)에 속하니 수(水)를 내보내고 담음을 삭이는 약을 써야 한다. 
이진탕ㆍ궁하탕이 바로 이러한 것들이다"라 하였다.

심종(心忪)은 실제로 심장이 두근거리는 것은 아니다. 
《내경》에, "위경(胃經)의 대락(大絡)을 허리(虛里)라 한다. 
그 낙맥은 횡격막을 뚫고 올라가 폐에 이어지고 왼쪽 젖가슴 아래로 나온다. 
그것이 박동하면 옷이 흔들리는데 이것이 맥의 종기(宗氣)이다"라 하였다. 
허한데다 담이 있으면 가슴이 크게 뛰고, 잠시 뒤에 열이 나기도 하는 경우가 이것이다. 《자생》

[怔忡 Throbbing]

戴氏曰, 怔忡者, 心中躁動不安, 惕惕然如人將捕者, 是也. 多因汲汲富貴, 戚戚貧賤, 不遂所願而成也.
Dai Yuanli (戴氏) said, "Throbbing is being anxious while the heart pounds or being fearful of someone chasing after oneself. It occurs when one is engrossed in money, worries about one's poverty, or when one cannot achieve one's desires." 

綱目曰, 怔忡, 心動而不寧也.
The Compendium of Medicine (綱目) says, "Throbbing is being uncomfortable while the heart pounds." 

心虛而痰鬱, 則耳聞大聲, 目擊異物, 遇險臨危, 觸事喪志, 使人有惕惕之狀, 是爲驚悸. 心虛而停水, 則胸中滲漉, 虛氣流動, 水旣上升, 心火惡之, 心不自安, 使人有怏怏之狀, 是爲怔忡. 《直指》
When phlegm is stagnated because the heart is deficient, one tends to worry a lot upon hearing a loud sound, looks at a strange object, encounters danger, or is distressed over certain matters. This is palpitation. When the heart is deficient and so water remains, water smears into the chest and deficient qi flows in the chest. One's mind becomes uncomfortable when water rises because the heart Fire dislikes it. This is throbbing.

怔忡者, 心中惕惕然動搖, 而不得安靜, 無時而作者, 是也. 《正傳》
Throbbing is the pounding of the chest as if one is fearful and unstable, and this symptom can occur at any time.

[The Heart Throbbing and Beating Loudly]

綱目曰, 心澹澹動者, 因痰動也. 謂不怕驚而心自動也. 驚恐亦曰, 心中澹澹, 謂怕驚而心亦動也.
The Compendium of Medicine (綱目) says, "Pounding of the heart is caused by phlegm. It refers to the automatic pounding of the heart without one ever getting frightened. Pounding of the heart is also mentioned in the 'Fright' and 'Fear' chapters; this refers to the pounding of the heart caused by fear or fright." 

靈樞曰, 手厥陰之脉, 是動則心中澹澹大動. 又曰, 膽病者, 心中澹澹, 恐如人將捕.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "When the pericardium meridian is damaged, one gets sick, which causes the heart to throb and beat loudly." It also says, "When one suffers from a gallbladder disease, the heart pounds and he or she is afraid that others might come to catch him or her." 

內經曰, 太陽司天, 寒淫所勝, 則病心澹澹大動, 是寒傷心主也.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "When cold thrives because greater yang leads it (太陽司天, term used in the theory of five circuits and six qi), it causes the heart to pound and beat loudly." It is because Cold Damages the pericardium. 

釋曰, 澹澹水搖貌. 此屬飮病, 當用逐水消飮之劑, 二陳湯ㆍ芎夏湯, 皆是也.
In the Annotation, "Damdam (澹澹, mimetic word) is the shape of rippling waves. It belongs to fluid disease, so one should use medicine that draws water out and removes phlegm. A Syzygii Flos Relieve Stomach Decoction and Chuanxiong and Pinellia Decoction are medicine of this kind." 

心忪, 非心忪也. 內經曰, 胃之大絡, 名曰虛里, 貫膈絡肺, 出於左乳下, 其動應衣, 脉宗氣也. 虛而有痰則動, 更須臾發一陣熱者, 是也. 《資生》
Simgong (pounding of the heart, 心忪) is not an actual pounding of the heart. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The great collateral vessel of the stomach meridian is called Heori (apex of the heart from which pulse of the heart can be felt, 虛里). Its collateral vessel punctures the diaphragm upward, connects to the lungs, and comes down the left breast. Clothes shake when it moves; this is the ancestral qi of vessels." When one is deficient and has phlegm, the heart beats loudly. Sometimes the person has a fever afterwards.