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전통 수행법/동의보감

동의보감- 내경편 권3-50 소장부(小腸腑)

by 광명인 2023. 11. 30.

[동의보감 원문 링크]

소장의 길이는 3장 2척이고 둘레는 2.5촌이며, 직경은 8과 1/3푼이고 무게는 2근 14냥이다. 배꼽에서 왼쪽으로 첩첩이 쌓여 16굽이로 돌아가는데 곡식 2말 4되와 물 6과 2/3홉을 받아들일 수 있다. 《영추》

소장은 뒤로 척추에 붙어 있고 배꼽에서 왼쪽으로 돌아 잎이 쌓이는 것처럼 내려간다. 《영추》

위(胃)의 아래출구는 곧 소장의 위쪽 입구로 유문(幽門)이라고 한다. 배꼽의 1촌 위가 수분혈인데, 이것이 소장의 아래출구이다. 《입문》

배꼽의 3촌 아래에 있는 관원혈이 소장의 모혈(募穴)이다. 등에는 18번째 척추 아래 양쪽에 소장수가 있다. 이것들이 소장의 부위이다. 《동인》

위(胃)에서 수곡을 삭히면 그 찌꺼기는 위(胃)의 출구로부터 소장의 입구로 전해지고, 소장의 출구에서 청탁을 분별하여 수액은 방광의 입구로 들어가고 찌꺼기는 대장의 입구로 들어간다. 《난경》에, "소장과 대장이 만나는 곳을 난문(闌門)이라 한다"고 하였다. 난문이 길을 막고 대소변을 나누기 때문에 그렇게 부르는 것이다. 《입문》

입술의 두께와 인중의 길이로 소장을 살핀다. 

심은 맥(脉)과 상응하기 때문에 피부가 두터우면 맥이 두껍고, 맥이 두터우면 소장도 두껍다피부가 얇으면 맥도 얇고, 맥이 얇으면 소장도 얇다피부가 느슨하면 맥도 느슨하고, 맥이 느슨하면 소장이 굵고 길다피부가 얇으면서 맥이 허하고 작으면 소장이 가늘고 짧다. 여러 양경맥에 구불구불한 혈락이 많으면 소장이 뭉쳐 있다. 《영추》

[小腸腑, the Small Intestine]

小腸長三丈二尺, 廣二寸半, 徑八分分之少半, 重二斤十四兩, 當臍左迴, 疊積十六曲, 盛穀二斗四升, 水六升三合合之太半. 《靈樞》
The length of the small intestine is 3 jang 2 cheok. Circumference is 2.5 chon, and diameter is a little less than 8.5 pun. The weight is 2 geun 14 nyang. The small intestine is piled up from the left of the umbilicus. It has 16 folds. It can receive 2 mal 4 doe of food and 6 doe 3.5 hop of water." 

小腸後附脊, 當臍左環迴周, 葉積而下. 《靈樞》
Behind the small intestine is located the spinal vertebra. The small intestine is piled up like leaves from the left of the umbilicus.

胃之下口, 卽小腸上口, 名曰幽門. 臍上一寸, 水分穴, 卽小腸下口也. 《入門》
The lower exit of the stomach is also the upper entry of the small intestine. This is called the pylorus. The lower exit of the small intestine is located 1 chon above the umbilicus. This is CV9.

關元一穴, 在臍下三寸, 小腸之募也. 在背則小腸兪, 在脊十八顀下兩傍, 此小腸部位也. 《銅人》
CV4 is located 3 chon below the umbilicus. It is the alarm point of the small intestine. The transport point of the small intestine, BL-27, is located under the 18th vertebra. These are the areas of the small intestine.

凡胃中腐熟水穀, 其滓穢, 自胃之下口, 傳入於小腸上口, 自小腸下口, 泌別淸濁, 水液入膀胱上口, 滓穢入大腸上口. 難經曰, 小腸大腸會, 謂之闌門, 言由關闌分隔也. 《入門》
Fermented food and water in the stomach are transported from the pylorus of the stomach to the entrance of the small intestine. Clearness and turbidity are separated at the exit of the small intestine and the water is transported to the inlet of the bladder and waste enters the inlet of the large intestine. The Classic of Difficult Issues says, " The iliocecal conjunction is where the small intestine and large intestine meet." The iliocecal conjunction blocks the way and separates feces and urine. This is how the iliocecal conjunction got its name." 

脣厚, 人中長, 以候小腸.
The condition of the small intestine is manifested in the thickness of the lips and the length of the philtrum.

心應脉, 皮厚者脉厚, 脉厚者小腸厚. 皮薄者脉薄, 脉薄者小腸薄. 皮緩者脉緩, 脉緩者, 小腸大而長. 皮薄而脉衝小者, 小腸小而短. 諸陽經脉皆多紆屈者, 小腸結也. 《靈樞》
The heart corresponds to the vessels. Therefore, if the skin is thick, the vessel is also thick and so is the small intestine. If the skin is thin, the vessel is thin, and so is the small intestine. If the skin is moderate and the vessel is also moderate, the small intestine is thick and long. If the skin is thin and the vessel is vacuous and small, the small intestine is thin and short. If there are many blood vessels in the yang meridian and collateral, then the small intestine is bound.