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전통 수행법/동의보감

동의보감- 내경편 권3-48 담부(膽腑)

by 광명인 2023. 11. 28.

[동의보감 원문 링크]

간의 남은 기가 흘러넘쳐 담(膽)으로 들어가 모여서 정(精)을 이룬다. 이렇게 안으로 정을 간직하여 내보내지 않아서 밖으로 사물을 밝게 볼 수 있으므로 청정지부(淸靜之府)라 하며 과 통한다. 《맥결》

일월혈은 담의 모혈(募穴)로 젖꼭지 아래로 3번째 늑골 끝에 있는 기문혈의 5푼 아래에 있다. 등에는 10번째 척추 아래 양쪽에 담수가 있다. 이것들이 담의 부위이다. 《동인》

담은 금(金)에서 생기고 금은 무(武)를 주관하기 때문에 중정지관(中正之官)이 되어 결단을 한다. 품성이 굳세고 바르며 과단성이 있고, 곧아서 의혹이나 사사로움이 없는 것은 담의 기가 올바르기 때문이다. 《입문》

간은 손발톱과 상응한다. 손발톱이 두텁고 누러면 담이 두텁고, 손발톱이 얇고 붉으면 담이 얇다. 손발톱이 단단하고 푸르면 담이 팽팽하고, 손발톱이 무르고 붉으며 담이 느슨하다. 손발톱이 곧고 희며 무늬가 없으면 담이 곧고, 손발톱이 거칠고 검으며 무늬가 많으면 담이 뭉쳐 있다. 《영추》

편안하게 앉아서 양 발바닥을 합치고 머리를 든다. 양 손으로 발목을 15번 당겨서 요동시킨다. 다리를 펴고 앉아 양 손으로 땅을 밀치고 몸을 든 후 요추에 15번 힘을 준다. 이렇게 하면 담병(膽病)이 있는 사람의 풍독과 사기를 제거할 수 있다. 《구선》

[膽腑, the Gallbladder]

肝之餘氣, 溢入於膽, 聚而成精. 由是內藏精而不泄, 外視物而得明, 爲淸淨之府, 能通於眼目. 《脉訣》
Surplus gi from the liver flows to the gallbladder and forms the essence. inside, it stores essence and does not release essence. From the outside, it sees objects and gains light. Therefore, it is called the organ of clearness  and calmness. It corresponds to the eyes.

日月二穴, 膽之募, 在乳下三肋端, 期門下五分, 在背則膽兪在脊第十顀下兩傍, 此膽之部位也. 《銅人》
GB24 is the alarm point of the gallbladder. It is located at the end of the third rib, under the nipples, 5 pun below LR14. The transport points of the gallbladder are located below the 10th vertebra. These are the areas of the gallbladder.

膽生於金, 金主武, 故爲中正之官, 決斷出焉. 人禀剛正果斷, 直而無疑無私者, 膽之氣正也. 《入門》
The gallbladder is formed from Metal, which governs weaponry. Therefore, it is the mediator organ and governs decisions. A strong, decisive, and upright character is the result of proper gallbladder qi. The person with this character is not doubtful and does not make decisions by personal feelings.

肝應爪, 爪厚色黃者膽厚, 爪薄色紅者膽薄. 爪堅色靑者膽急, 爪濡色赤者膽緩. 爪直色白無約者膽直, 爪惡色黑多紋者膽結也. 《靈樞》
The gallbladder corresponds to the fingernails and toenails. If the nails are thick and yellow, then the gallbladder is thick. If the fingernails and toenails are thin and red, then the gallbladder is thin. If the nails are hard and blue, then the gallbladder is hard. If the fingernails and toenails are weak and red, then the gallbladder is loose. If the nails are straight, white, and patternless, then the gallbladder is straight. If the nails are rough, black, and have many patterns, then the gallbladder is bound.

可平坐, 合兩脚掌, 仰頭, 以兩手挽脚腕起搖動爲之三五度. 亦可大坐, 以兩手拓地擧身, 努腰脊三五度, 能去膽家風毒邪氣. 《臞仙》
Sit comfortably and put the two feet together and raise the head. Pull both ankles with both hands 3~5 times and shake. Extend the legs and sit. Push the ground with both hands and lift the body. Put pressure on the lower back area 3-5 times. This will remove wind poison and the pathogen in the person with gallbladder disease.