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전통 수행법/동의보감

동의보감- 내경편 권3-45 비장脾臟

by 광명인 2023. 11. 25.

[동의보감 원문 링크]

비의 형상은 말발굽과 같고, 안쪽으로 위완을 감싸고 있다. 이것은 토(土)를 본뜬 형태이다. 경락의 기가 교대로 그 속으로 돌아와서 신령한 기운[眞靈之氣]을 운영한다. 의(意)가 머무는 곳이다. 《내경주》

비(脾)란 돕는다는 뜻이다. 위(胃)의 아래에서 위기(胃氣)를 도와 수곡을 소화하는 일을 주관한다. 위(胃)는 받아들이는 일을 주관하고, 비는 소화시키는 일을 주관한다. 《강목》

비는 중완(中脘)의 1촌 2푼 부위에 있고, 위로는 심장으로부터 3촌 6푼 떨어져 있고, 아래로는 신장으로부터 3촌 6푼 떨어져 있으며, 중간의 1촌 2푼 되는 부분을 황정(黃庭)이라 한다. 이것은 하늘에서는 태양이 되고 땅에서는 태음이 되며 사람에서는 가운데 황색의 조기(祖氣)가 된다. 도가에서는 비를 황정(黃庭)이라 한다. 황(黃)은 중앙의 색이고, 정(庭)은 사방의 중앙이다. 비가 몸의 중앙에 위치하기 때문에 황정이라고 한다. 《입문》

비는 장하(長夏)를 주관하고, 족태음과 족양명을 다스리며, 무기일(戊己日)을 주관한다.

중앙은 을 낳고, 습은 토(土)를 낳으며, 토는 단맛을 낳고, 단맛은 비()를 낳는다

하늘에서는 이고, 땅에서는 토(土)이다. 괘에서는 곤괘이고, 오체에서는 육(肉)이다. 오장에서는 이고, 오색에서는 노란색이다. 오음에서는 궁(宮)이고, 오성에서는 노랫소리이다. 오변에서는 딸꾹질이고, 오규에서는 이다. 오미에서는 단맛이고, 오지에서는 생각[思]이다. 해당하는 액은 침[涎]이고, 그것의 상태는 입술에 나타난다. 해당하는 냄새는 향기로운 냄새이고, 해당하는 수는 5이다. 해당하는 곡식은 기장[稷]이고, 해당하는 가축은 이다. 해당하는 동물의 부류는 벌거벗은 동물이고, 해당하는 과일은 대추이며, 해당하는 채소는 아욱이다. 《내경》 해당하는 경맥은 족태음이다. 《내경》

비가 작으면 장(臟)이 안정되어 사기에 잘 상하지 않고, 비가 크면 허구리를 눌러서 아프고 빨리 걸을 수 없다. 비가 높으면 허구리에서 옆구리 아래쪽으로 당기면서 아프고, 비가 낮으면 아래로 대장을 누르고 장(臟)이 사기를 받아 고생한다. 비가 든든하면 장(臟)이 안정되어 잘 상하지 않고, 비가 약하면 소단(消癉)이 잘 생기고 상하기가 쉽다. 비가 단정하면 조화로워 잘 상하지 않고, 비가 기울어지면 쉽게 더부룩해지고, 배가 불러 오른다. 《영추》

늘 6월 초하루 아침과 사계절의 마지막 18일 아침 해뜰 녘에 중궁(中宮)에 정좌하여 5번 숨쉴 동안 숨을 참고 천고(天鼓)를 12번 울리고, 곤궁(坤宮)의 누런 기운을 12번 들이마셔 삼키고 50번 숨 쉴 동안 숨을 멈춘다. 《양성서》

[脾臟, The Shape of the Spleen] 

脾形象馬蹄, 內包胃脘, 象土形也. 經絡之氣, 交歸于中, 以營運眞靈之氣, 意之舍也. 《內經註》
The shape of the spleen resembles a horse's hoof. It inwardly covers the gastric cavity. It emulates the shape of soil. Meridian gi accumulates in the center and emits profound qi. This is where thought stays.

脾者, 俾也. 在胃下, 俾助胃氣, 主化水穀也. 胃主受納, 脾主消磨. 《綱目》
The spleen means to help. Located under the stomach, it helps stomach qi in digesting food and water. The stomach mainly receives food and the spleen mainly digests food. 

脾居中脘一寸二分, 上去心三寸六分, 下去腎三寸六分. 中間一寸二分, 名曰黃庭, 在天爲太陽, 在地爲太陰, 在人爲中黃祖氣. 道家以脾爲黃庭, 黃者中央之色, 庭者四方之中也. 脾居一身之中央, 故曰黃庭. 《入門》
The spleen is located in the middle part of the stomach. The length of it is 1 chon 2 pun. It is 3 chon 6 pun up from the heart and 3 chon 6 pun down from the kidneys. The middle part is about 1 chon 2 pun and it is called Hwangjeong (黃庭, yellow hard). It becomes the sun in the sky, greater yin on soil, and ancestral qi of middle yellow among the people. In Taoism, the spleen is called Hwangjeong (黃庭). Hwang (黃) is the color of the center and Jeong (庭) is the center of all directions. The spleen is called so because it is located in the center. 

脾主長夏, 足太陰陽明主治, 其日戊己.
The spleen governs long summer and controls foot greater yin and foot bright yang. It governs Mu and Gi days (戊己日).

中央生濕, 濕生土, 土生甘, 甘生脾.
The center engenders dampness, dampness engenders soil, soil engenders sweet taste, and sweet taste engenders the spleen.

在天爲濕, 在地爲土, 在卦爲坤, 在體爲肉, 在藏爲脾, 在色爲黃, 在音爲宮, 在聲爲歌, 在變動爲噦, 在竅爲口, 在味爲甘, 在志爲思, 其液爲涎, 其榮爲脣, 其臭爲香, 其數爲五, 其穀爲稷, 其畜爲牛, 其蟲爲倮, 其果爲棗, 其菜爲葵. 《內經》 其脉爲足太陰. 《內經》
It is dampness in heaven, soil on earth. It is the Gon trigram (坤卦) in the Book of Changes. It is flesh in the five bodies, the spleen in the five viscera, yellow in the five colors, Gung in the five sounds, and the sound of songs in the five voices. It is the hiccups in the five changes, the mouth in the five orifices, the sweet taste in the five tastes, and thought in the five minds. It is saliva in the five humors. The state of the spleen is manifested in the lips. Its smell is a fragrant odor. Its number is five. Its grain is millet and its animal is a cow. Its animal category is naked animals and its fruit is date. Its vegetable is curled mallow. Its meridian is foot greater yin.

脾小則藏安難傷于邪, 脾大則苦湊䏚而痛, 不能疾行. 脾高則䏚引季脇而痛, 脾下則下加于大腸, 藏苦受邪. 脾堅則藏安難傷, 脾脆則善病消癉. 脾端正則和利難傷, 脾偏傾則善滿善脹也. 《靈樞》
When the spleen is small, the viscera becomes stable and does not get damaged by the pathogen. When the spleen is big, it presses the rib side and causes pain. A person with a big spleen cannot walk fast. If the spleen is placed in a high position, pulling pain occurs from the waist to the ribcage. When the spleen is placed in a low position, it presses the large intestine and the viscera may receive the pathogen. When the spleen is stout, the viscera becomes stable and does not get damaged. When the spleen is weak, wasting thirst might be engendered. When the spleen is neat, it does not get damaged easily because it is harmonious. When the spleen is oblique, the stomach tends to experience discomfort and it might swell.

常以季夏之月朔旦, 幷四季之末十八日旭旦, 正坐中宮, 禁氣五息, 鳴天鼓十二通, 吸坤宮之黃氣入口十二嚥之, 閉氣五十息. 《養性書》
Sit up straight in the center of the yard and hold your breath for 5 breathing times and exercise by sounding the celestial drum 12 times at dawn every first day of June and 18 days before the end of the four seasons. Inhale yellow gi of the southwest 12 times and hold one's breath for the time of 50 breaths.