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전통 수행법/동의보감

동의보감- 내경편 권3-46 폐장肺臟

by 광명인 2023. 11. 26.

[동의보감 원문 링크]

폐의 형태는 사람의 어깨와 비슷하다. 2개의 퍼진 잎과 여러 개의 작은 잎이 있으며, 가운데에 24개의 구멍이 늘어서서 여러 장기에 청탁의 기를 나누어 퍼뜨린다. 백(魄)을 간직하는 일을 주관한다. 《내경주》

폐계(肺系)는 2가지가 있다. 하나는 위로 후롱(喉嚨)과 통하는 것인데, 이것은 가운데 쪽에서 심계(心系)와도 통한다. 다른 하나는 심장으로부터 폐의 양쪽의 큰 잎 사이로 들어간 뒤, 구부러져 뒤쪽을 향해 있는 것이다. 《입문》

폐는 가을을 주관하고, 수태음과 수양명을 다스리며, 경신일(庚辛日)을 주관한다. 서방은 조(燥)를 낳고, 조는 금(金)을 낳으며, 금은 매운맛을 낳고, 매운맛은 폐를 낳는다. 폐는 양 중의 태음이고, 가을기운과 통한다. 《내경》

폐는 하늘에서는 조(燥)이고, 땅에서는 금(金)이다. 괘에서는 태괘이고, 오체(五體)에서는 피모이다. 오장에서는 폐이고, 오색에서는 흰색이다. 오음에서는 상(商)이고, 오성에서는 울음소리이다. 오변에서는 기침이고, 오규에서는 코이다. 오미에서는 매운맛이고, 오지에서는 걱정[憂]이다. 해당하는 경맥은 수태음이고, 해당하는 액은 콧물이다. 그것의 상태는 털에 나타난다. 해당하는 냄새는 비린내이고, 해당하는 수는 9이다. 해당하는 곡식은 벼이고, 해당하는 가축은 닭혹은 말이라고 한다이다. 해당하는 동물의 부류는 껍질 있는 동물이고. 해당하는 과일은 복숭아이며, 해당하는 채소는 파이다. 《내경》 해당하는 경맥은 수태음이다. 《내경》

폐가 작으면 물을 적게 마시고 숨이 차지 않고 더위먹지 않으며, 폐가 크면 물을 많이 마시고 흉비(胸痺)ㆍ후비(喉痺)가 생기고 기가 치밀어오른다. 폐가 높으면 기가 올라와 어깨를 들썩이며 숨을 쉬고 기침을 하며, 폐가 낮으면 기가 폐로 치밀어올라 옆구리 아래가 자주 아프다. 폐가 든든하면 기침을 하지 않고 기가 올라오지 않으며, 폐가 약하면 소단(消癉)으로 고생하고 상하기가 쉽다. 폐가 단정하면 조화로워 잘 상하지 않고, 폐가 기울어지면 한쪽 가슴이 아프다. 《영추》

폐병이 들면 숨이 차고 기침하며 기가 치밀어오르고 어깨와 등이 아프며, 땀이 나고 꽁무니ㆍ허벅지ㆍ무릎ㆍ넓적다리ㆍ장딴지ㆍ정강이ㆍ발이 모두 아프다. 허하면 기운이 없어 호흡을 이어가기가 어려우며 귀가 먹고 목구멍이 마른다.

정좌하고서 양 손으로 땅을 짚고 몸을 오그리고 척추를 굽혀 위로 5번 들면 폐병이 있는 사람의 풍사ㆍ적취ㆍ허로를 제거할 수 있다. 또, 주먹을 쥐고 척추의 좌우를 3-5번 때린다. 이것은 가슴에 있는 풍독을 제거한다. 숨을 참고 한참 있다가 눈을 감고 침을 삼키며 치아를 3번 맞부딪친 후에 마친다. 《구선》

[肺臟, the Lungs]

肺之形似人肩, 二布葉, 數小葉, 中有二十四孔行列, 以分布諸藏淸濁之氣, 主藏魄. 《內經註》
The shape of the lungs resembles the shape of a person's shoulders. It has two spread leaves, many small leaves, and 24 holes in the center which disperse the clear and turbid qi of the various organs. It governs the storage of the corporeal soul.

肺系有二, 一系上通喉嚨, 其中與心系相通, 一系自心入於肺兩大葉之間, 曲折向後. 《入門》
There are two kinds of lung system. One is connected to the larynx. This is also connected to the heart system from the center. The other one starts from the heart and goes between the two leaves of the lungs and then bends towards the back. 

肺主秋, 手太陰陽明主治, 其日庚辛. 西方生燥, 燥生金, 金生辛, 辛生肺. 肺爲陽中之太陰, 通於秋氣. 《內經》
The lungs govern autumn, control hand greater yin and hand bright yang, and govern the Gyeong and Sin days (庚辛日). The western direction engenders dryness, dryness engenders Metal, Metal engenders hot taste, and hot taste engenders the lungs. The lungs are greater yin of yang, and correspond to the qi of fall.

肺在天爲燥, 在地爲金, 在卦爲兌, 在體爲皮毛, 在藏爲肺, 在色爲白, 在音爲商, 在聲爲哭, 在變動爲咳, 在竅爲鼻, 在味爲辛, 在志爲憂, 其脉爲手太陰, 其液爲涕, 其榮爲毛, 其臭爲腥, 其數爲九, 其穀爲稻, 其畜爲雞一作馬, 其蟲爲介, 其果爲李, 其菜爲韭. 《內經》 其經爲手太陰. 《內經》
The lungs are dryness in heaven, Metal on earth. They are the Tae trigram in the Book of Changes and hair in the five bodies. They are the lungs in the five viscera and the color white in the five colors. They are the Sang sound (商) in the five notes and the crying sound in the five sounds. They are the cough in the five changes and the nose in the five orifices. They are hot taste in the five tastes and anxiety in the five emotions. The corresponding vessel is hand greater yin and the corresponding secretion is nasal discharge. The state of the lungs is manifested in the hair. The corresponding smell is fishy and the corresponding number is nine. The corresponding grain is rice and the corresponding domestic animal is the chicken (some texts mention horse). The corresponding animal group is animals with shells. The corresponding fruit is peach and the corresponding vegetable is the spring onion. The corresponding meridian is hand greater yin. 

肺小則少飮不病喘喝, 肺大則多飮善病胸痺喉痺逆氣. 肺高則上氣肩息咳, 肺下則氣賁迫肺善脇下痛. 肺堅則不病咳上氣, 肺脆則苦病消癉易傷. 肺端正則和利難傷, 肺偏傾則胸偏痛也. 《靈樞》
A person with small lungs can drink only small amounts of water and does not suffer from dyspnea or heatstroke. On the other hand, the person with big lungs drinks a lot of water, and the person suffers from chest impediment, throat impediment, and upflow of qi. In high-positioned lungs, qi flows upward and makes the person breathe by moving the shoulders and coughing. In low-positioned lungs, qi may push the lungs and cause pain under the rib side. When the lungs are stable, the person does not cough, and qi does not flow upward. When the lungs are weak, the person tends to suffer from wasting thirst. When the lungs are neat, the lungs do not get hurt easily because the lungs are harmonious, and when the lungs are tilted, one side of the chest will be painful.

肺病者, 喘咳逆氣, 肩背痛, 汗出, 尻陰股膝髀腨胻足皆痛. 虛則少氣不能報息, 耳聾嗌乾.
When a person has a lung disease, the following symptoms are observed: shortness of breath, coughing, upflow of qi, pain in the shoulders and back, sweating, and pain along the sacrum, thighs, knees, calves, shins, and feet. If the lungs are deficient, the person becomes powerless, has difficulty in continuing breathing, and develops deafness and dry throat.

可正坐, 以兩手據地, 縮身曲脊向上五擧, 去肺家風邪積勞. 亦可反拳搥脊上左右各三五度, 此法去胸臆間風毒. 閉氣爲之良久, 閉目嚥液, 三叩齒爲止. 《臞仙》
Sit straight and place both hands on the ground behind you. Arch the back, and lift the body above the ground five times. This will remove wind pathogens, stagnation, and tiredness in the person with lung disease. Also, tighten the fists and hit both sides of the vertebra three to five times. This will remove wind poison in the chest. Hold your breath for a long time and swallow the saliva with your eyes closed. Click the upper and lower teeth against each other.