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전통 수행법/동의보감

동의보감- 내경편 권3-43 간장肝臟

by 광명인 2023. 11. 23.

[동의보감 원문 링크]

에는 2개의 퍼진 잎과 1개의 작은 잎이 있어 초목의 싹이 트는 모양과 같다. 각각의 잎에는 낙맥의 줄기가 가운데에 있어서 화평한 양의 기운[陽和之氣]을 퍼뜨린다. 간은 혼(魂)을 간직하는 기관이다. 《내경주》

간의 무게는 4근 4냥이고, 왼쪽에 3개의 잎, 오른쪽에 4개의 잎이 있어 모두 7개의 잎이 있다. 혼(魂)을 간직하는 일을 담당한다. 《난경》

간은 왼쪽에서 생(生)하게 한다. 《내경》

간계(肝系)는 격막 아래에서 시작하여 좌측 옆구리에 붙어 있고 격막을 뚫고 올라간 후 폐 속으로 들어가는데 격막과 서로 이어져 있다. 《입문》

간은 봄을 주관하고, 족궐음과 족소양을 다스리며, 갑을일(甲乙日)을 주관한다.

동방은 풍을 낳고, 은 목(木)을 낳으며, 목은 신맛을 낳고, 신맛은 을 낳는다.

하늘에서는 이고, 땅에서는 목(木)이다. 몸에서는 근(筋)이고, 오장에서는 이다. 오색에서는 푸른색이고, 오음에서는 각(角)이다. 오성에서는 호통치는 소리이고, 오변에서는 움켜잡는 것이다. 오규에서는 이고, 오미에서는 신맛이며 오지에서는 성냄[怒]이다. 해당하는 액은 눈물이고, 그것의 상태는 손톱에 나타난다. 해당하는 냄새는 누린내이고, 해당하는 괘는 진괘생수는 3이고 성수는 8이다이다. 해당하는 곡식은 참깨혹은 보리이고, 해당하는 가축은 혹은 이다. 해당하는 동물의 부류는 털 달린 길짐승이고, 해당하는 수는 8이다. 해당하는 과일은 자두이고, 해당하는 채소는 부추이다. 《내경》 해당하는 맥은 족궐음이다. 《내경》

간은 주로 장수의 역할을 하여 밖을 살피도록 한다. 그것이 든든한지 알려면 눈의 크기를 본다.

색이 푸르고 주리(腠理)가 치밀한 자는 간이 작고, 주리가 거친 자는 간이 크다. 가슴이 넓고 흉골하각[骹骨]이 벌어진 자는 간이 높고, 흉골하각이 좁은 자는 간이 낮다. 가슴과 옆구리가 좋은 자는 간이 든든하고, 협골(脇骨)이 약한 자는 간이 약하다. 가슴과 등이 서로 균형이 잡힌 자는 간이 단정하고, 협골이 치우쳐 들린 자는 간이 한쪽으로 기울어져 있다.

늘 1월ㆍ2월ㆍ3월 초하룻날 아침에 동쪽을 향해 편안히 앉아 치아를 3번 맞부딪치고 진궁(震宮)의 푸른 기운을 9번 들이마셔 삼키며, 90번 숨쉴 동안 숨을 참는다. 《양생서》

[肝臟 간장]
[The Shape of the Liver]

肝有二布葉, 一小葉, 如木甲拆之象. 各有支絡脉居中, 以宣發陽和之氣, 魂之宮也. 《內經註》
The liver has two wide leaves and one narrow leaf. It resembles the sprouting buds of a tree. Each leaf has a  stem in the center, so it spreads out harmonized yang qi. The liver stores the ethereal soul.

肝重四斤四兩, 左三葉, 右四葉, 凡七葉, 主藏魂. 《難經》
It weighs 4 geun 4 nyang. It has a total of 7 leaves, 3 leaves in the left lobe, and 4 leaves in the right. It stores the heavenly soul.

The liver is engendered from the left side. 

肝之系者, 自膈下着左脇肋, 上貫膈, 入肺中, 與膈膜相連也. 《入門》
The liver system starts from underneath the diaphragm and sticks to the left ribcage then passes through the diaphragm to enter the lungs. It is connected to the diaphragm. 

肝主春, 足厥陰少陽主治, 其日甲乙.
The liver governs spring, foot reverting yin, foot lesser yang, and the day of Gab and Eul (甲乙日)

東方生風, 風生木, 木生酸, 酸生肝.
East engenders wind, wind engenders Wood, Wood engenders a sour taste, and a sour taste engenders the liver. 

在天爲風, 在地爲木, 在體爲筋, 在藏爲肝, 在色爲蒼, 在音爲角, 在聲爲呼, 在變動爲握, 在竅爲目, 在味爲酸, 在志爲怒, 其液爲淚, 其榮爲爪, 其臭爲臊, 其卦爲震生數三, 成數八, 其穀爲麻一作麥, 其畜爲犬一作雞, 其蟲爲毛, 其數爲八, 其果爲李, 其菜爲韭. 《內經》 其脉爲足厥陰. 《內經》
It becomes wind in heaven and Wood on the earth. It is sinew in the body and the liver among the five viscera. It is color blue among the five colors, Gak sound (角) among the five sounds, roaring sound among the five voices, and grasping among the five changes. It is the eyes among the five orifices, the sour taste among the five tastes, anger among the five minds, tears among the five humors, and the state of this organ is manifested in the nails. It is the smell of fat in the five fats, and Jin trigram (its engendering number is three and complete number is eight) among the trigrams in the Book of Changes. Its grain is sesame (or barley), and its animal is a dog (or chicken). Its animal belongs to the category of furred animal, and the number is eight. Its fruit is the plum, and its vegetable is chives. Its meridian is foot reverting yin.

肝者主爲將, 使之候外, 欲知堅固, 視目大小.
The liver performs the role of a general. It controls the outside. To see whether it is strong, check the size of the eyes. 

靑色小理者肝小, 麄理者肝大. 廣胸反骹者肝高, 合脇兎骹者肝下. 胸脇好者肝堅, 脇骨弱者肝脆. 膺背好相得者肝端正, 脇骨偏擧者肝偏傾也.
The person with a bluish color and dense interstices has a small liver while the person with sparse interstices has a big liver. The person who has a broad chest with a big angle below the sternum has the liver in a  higher place. The person who has a small angle below the sternum has the liver in a lower place. The person with a stable ribcage has a stable liver. The person with a weak ribcage has a weak liver. The person with a harmonized chest and back has a stable liver. The person with a slanted ribcage has a slanted liver. 

常以正月二月三月朔旦, 東面平坐叩齒三通, 吸震宮靑氣入口, 九呑之, 閉氣九十息. 《養性書》
Sit towards the east on the first days of January, February, and March, and click the upper and lower teeth against each other three times, breathe in the clear qi of the east (震宮) nine times, and hold your breath for the equivalent time of 90 breaths on the 1st of January, February, and March."