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전통 수행법/동의보감

동의보감- 내경편 권3-44 심장心臟

by 광명인 2023. 11. 24.

[동의보감 원문 링크]

심장의 형태는 아직 피지 않은 연꽃과 같고, 가운데에 9개의 구멍이 있어 천진(天眞)의 기운을 끌어당기며, 신(神)의 집이다. 《내경주》

심장의 무게는 12냥이고, 가운데에 7개의 구멍과 3개의 털이 있으며, 정즙(精汁) 3홉을 담고 있으며 신(神)을 간직하는 일을 주관한다. 《난경》

심장에는 7개의 구멍과 3개의 털이 있다. 7개의 구멍은 북두칠성에 대응되고 3개의 털은 삼태성(三台星)에 대응된다. 그러므로 마음이 지극히 진실하면 하늘이 응하지 않는 바가 없다. 《입문》

심장은 폐 아래, 간 위에 있다. 《입문》

오장계(五藏系)는 심에 통하고 심은 오장계에 통한다. 심계와 오장계는 서로 이어져 있기 때문에 오장에 병이 있으면 먼저 심을 침범한다. 심계는 위로 폐에 이어지고, 따로 갈라진 가지는 폐의 양쪽 잎의 가운데에서 뒤쪽으로 척추를 통하여 신(腎)으로 가고, 신으로부터 방광으로 가서 방광막의 낙맥과 함께 소변이 나오는 곳으로 간다. 이곳이 가장 아랫부분이다. 《입문》

심心은 여름을 주관하고, 수소음과 수태양을 다스리며, 병정일(丙丁日)을 주관한다.
남방은 을 낳고, 열은 화(火)를 낳으며, 화는 쓴맛을 낳고, 쓴맛은 을 낳는다.
은 생명의 근본이고 신(神)이 변화하는 곳으로 양 중의 태양이고 여름기운과 통한다. 《내경》

하늘에서는 이고, 땅에서는 화(火)이다. 괘에서는 이괘(离卦)이고, 몸에서는 맥(脉)이다. 오장에서는 이고, 오색에서는 붉은색이다. 오음에서는 치(徵)이고, 오성에서는 웃음소리이다. 오변에서는 걱정이고, 오규에서는 이다. 오미에서는 쓴맛이고, 오지에서는 기쁨[喜]이다. 해당하는 액은 땀이고, 그것의 상태는 색(色)에 나타난다. 해당하는 냄새는 탄내이고, 해당하는 수는 7이다. 해당하는 곡식은 보리 혹은 기장이라 한다이고, 해당하는 가축은 양 혹은 말이라 한다이다. 해당하는 동물의 부류는 깃털 달린 날짐승이고, 해당하는 과일은 살구이며, 해당하는 채소는 염교이다. 《내경》 해당하는 맥은 수소음이다. 《내경》

색이 붉고 주리(腠理)가 치밀한 자는 심이 작고, 주리가 거친 자는 심이 크다. 갈우가 없는 자는 심이 높고, 갈우가 작고 짧으며 들려 있는 자는 심이 낮다. 갈우가 긴 자는 심이 든든하고, 갈우가 약하고 작으면서 얇은 자는 심이 약하다. 갈우가 쭉 내려와서 들리지 않은 자는 심이 단정하고, 갈우가 한쪽으로 치우친 자는 심이 한쪽으로 기울어져 있다.

심이 작으면 근심으로 상하기가 쉽고, 심이 크면 근심한다고 해서 쉽게 상하지 않는다. 심이 높으면 폐 속이 가득 차서 답답하고[悗]만(悗)은 민(悶)과 같다 잘 잊어버리며 말을 시작하기가 어렵고, 심이 낮으면 한(寒)에 쉽게 상하고 말만 꺼내도 쉽게 두려워한다. 심이 든든하면 안정되어 굳건히 지켜내고, 심이 약하면 소단(消癉), 열중(熱中)을 자주 앓는다. 심이 바르면 조화로워 잘 상하지 않고, 심이 기울어지면 일 처리가 한결같지 못하여 맡은 일을 제대로 해내지 못한다. 《영추》

근심ㆍ걱정과 생각이 많으면 심을 상한다. 《난경》

사기가 들어와 혼백이 불안한 것은 혈기가 적기 때문이고, 혈기가 적은 것은 심의 병에 속한다. 심기가 허하면 두려움이 많고 눈을 감고 자려고 한다. 또한 멀리 움직이는 꿈을 꾸어 정신(精神)이 흩어지고 혼백이 마음대로 흘러 다니게 된다. 음기가 쇠하면 전질(癲疾)이 되고 양기가 쇠하면 광병이 된다.

심이 상한 사람이 피로하면 머리와 얼굴이 벌겋게 되고 하체가 무거우며 가슴속이 아프고 답답하며, 열이 나고 배꼽 윗부분이 뛴다. 그 맥은 현(弦)하다. 심장이 상했기 때문이다. 《중경》

늘 4월ㆍ5월의 초하루와 보름의 맑은 새벽에 남쪽을 향해 바르게 정좌한 후 치아를 9번 맞부딪치고 침으로 3번 양치하고 고요하게 생각을 집중한 후, 이궁(离宮)의 붉은 기를 3번 들이마셔 삼키고 30번 숨쉴 동안 숨을 참는다. 《양생서》

[心臟 심장]
[The Shape of the Heart]

心形如未敷蓮花, 中有九空, 以導引天眞之氣, 神之宇也. 《內經註》
The shape of the heart resembles an unblossomed lotus with 9 holes in the middle. It is the house of the spirit and pulls in essential gi of the universe.

心重十二兩, 中有七孔三毛, 盛精汁三合, 主藏神. 《難經》
The weight of the heart is about 12 nyang. There are 7 holes and 3 hairs in the middle. It contains 3 hop of essence juice. It mainly stores the spirit.

心有七孔三毛, 七孔以應北斗七星, 三毛以應三台, 故心至誠則天無不應也. 《入門》
The heart has 7 holes and 3 hairs. The 7 holes correspond to the Big Dipper and the 3 hairs correspond to the three stars (三台星) (Three stars under the Big Dipper). Therefore, if the mind is true, nature will correspond to it.

心居肺下肝上. 《入門》
The heart is located underneath the lungs and above the liver.

五藏系通於心, 心通五藏系, 心之系與五藏之系相連, 故五藏有病, 先干於心. 其系上系於肺. 其別者, 自肺兩葉之中, 向後通脊者腎, 自腎而之於膀胱, 與膀胱膜絡幷行而之溲尿處, 乃下極部分也. 《入門》
The five visceral system and the heart are interconnected. Therefore, if a disease is in the five viscera, it first invades the heart. The upper part of the heart is connected to the lungs. Branches of the heart are connected to the lungs, and other branches connect to the kidneys via the vertebra. From the kidneys, it connects to the bladder and then is excreted to the urethra with the collateral of the bladder membrane. This is the lowest part of the heart.

心主夏, 手少陰太陽主治, 其日丙丁.
南方生熱, 熱生火, 火生苦, 苦生心.
心者, 生之本也. 神之變也. 爲陽中之太陽, 通於夏氣. 《內經》
The heart governs summer, hand lesser yin, hand greater yang, and Byeong and Jeong day (丙丁日). South engenders heat, heat engenders Fire, Fire engenders a bitter taste, and bitter taste engenders the heart. The heart is the origin of life and the place where the spirit transforms. It is the greater yang of yang and corresponds to summer qi.

在天爲熱, 在地爲火, 在卦爲离, 在體爲脉, 在藏爲心, 在色爲赤, 在音爲徵, 在聲爲笑, 在變動爲憂, 在竅爲舌, 在味爲苦, 在志爲喜, 其液爲汗, 其榮爲色, 其臭爲焦, 其數爲七, 其穀爲麥一作黍, 其畜爲羊一作馬, 其蟲爲羽, 其果爲杏, 其菜爲薤. 《內經》 其脉爲手少陰. 《內經》
It is heat in heaven and Fire in earth. It is the Li trigram (离卦) from the Book of Changes and pulses in the body. It is the heart in the five viscera and red in the five colors. It is the Chi sound (徵) in the five sounds and the laughing sound in the five voices. It is anxiety in the five changes and the tongue in the five orifices. It is the bitter taste in the five tastes and joy in the five minds. Its humor is sweat and its state is manifested by color. Its smell is the burning smell and its number is seven. Its grain is barley (or millet) and its animal is sheep (or horse). Its animal category is feathered animals and its fruit is apricot. Its vegetable is rakkyo. Its meridian is hand lesser yin. 

赤色小理者心小, 麄理者心大. 無𩩲骬者心高, 𩩲骬小短擧者心下. 𩩲骬長者心堅, 𩩲骬弱小以薄者心脆. 𩩲骬直下不擧者心端正, 𩩲骬倚一方者心偏傾也.
The person with rough interstices has a large heart. The person without a xiphoid process has a heart in a  higher place than other people. The person with the small, short, and lifted xiphoid process has a heart in a lower place than other people. The person with a long xiphoid process has a stable heart. The person with a straight, unlifted xiphoid process has a stable heart. The person with a slanted xiphoid process has a heart in a slanted position.

心小則易傷以憂, 心大則憂不能傷心. 高則滿於肺中, 悗而善忘悗與悶同, 難開以言, 心下則易傷於寒, 易恐以言. 心堅則藏安守固, 心脆則善病消癉熱中. 心端正則和利難傷, 心偏傾則操持不一, 無守司也. 《靈樞》
If the heart is small, it is susceptible to anxiety, and if the heart is large, it is hardly affected by anxiety. If the heart is located in a high position, the person will feel chest discomfort, suffer from forgetfulness, and have difficulty in beginning a conversation. If the heart is located in a lower position, it is susceptible to cold,  and the person will easily get afraid even by just speaking. If the heart is stable, it will protect firmly and if the heart is weak, the person will frequently suffer from wasting thirst and middle emaciation. If the heart is positioned correctly, it will be harmonized and will not get hurt. If the heart is in the slanted position, the person will have difficulty in working consistently and for an extended period and thus have difficulty in completing work or projects. 

憂愁思慮則傷心. 《難經》
Anxiety, concern, and too many thoughts damage the heart.

邪客使魂魄不安者, 血氣少也. 血氣少者, 屬於心. 心氣虛者, 其人多畏, 合目欲眠, 夢遠行而精神離散, 魂魄妄行. 陰氣衰者爲癲, 陽氣衰者爲狂.
When the pathogen invades, the ethereal and corporeal souls become nervous because blood and gi are scanty. Scanty blood and qi belong to heart disease. When heart qi is deficient, the patient will be fearful and tend to fall asleep with eyes closed. The patient will dream of moving a long distance, resulting in scattered essence-spirit and frenetic movement of the ethereal and corporeal souls. When yin qi is deficient, it will become epilepsy, and when yang qi is deficient, manic psychosis will result. 

心傷者, 其人勞倦, 則頭面赤而下重, 心中痛而自煩, 發熱臍上跳, 其脉弦. 此爲心藏傷所致也. 《仲景》
When the person with the damaged heart gets tired, the head and face will redden with the heavy lower body, and there will be chest discomfort, a fever, and stirring qi movement in the area above the umbilicus. The patient's pulse will be string-like. This is because the heart is damaged.

常以四月五月朔望淸旦, 面南端坐, 叩金梁九, 漱玄泉三, 靜思注想, 吸离宮赤色氣入口, 三呑之, 閉氣三十息. 《養生書》
Sit up straight facing south, click the upper and lower teeth nine times, and brush the teeth with saliva three times in the early clear mornings of the first days and the full moon days of April, May, and June. Concentrate your thoughts calmly. Inhale red gi of the south three times and hold your breath for the time of 30 breaths.