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동의보감- 내경편 권1-32[氣] 氣不足生病 기가 부족하면 병이 생긴다

by 광명인 2023. 10. 29.

氣不足生病 기가 부족하면 병이 생긴다
[동의보감 원문 링크]

"사기(邪氣)가 있는 곳은 모두 정기(正氣)가 부족하다. 
그러므로 상부에 기(氣)가 부족하면 뇌수가 채워지지 않는다. 
이렇게 되면 에서 소리가 나서 괴롭고 머리가 기울어져 괴로우며 이 어두워진다. 
중기(中氣)가 부족하면 대소변의 상태가 변하고 장(腸)에서 소리가 심하게 난다. 
하부에 기(氣)가 부족하면 다리에 힘이 빠지고 가슴이 답답하다"고 하였다.

또, "상부에 기(氣)가 부족하면 밀어서 올리고,
하부에 기(氣)가 부족하면 모아서 내려보낸다.
음양이 모두 허하면 뜸을 써야 한다"고 하였다.

氣絶候 기가 끊어지려는 징후

"오장의 음기가 모두 끊어지면 목계(目系)가 돌아가고, 
목계가 돌아가면 도 따라 돌아간다. 
눈이 돌아간 것은 의지[志]가 먼저 상실된 것이다. 
의지[志]가 상실되면 하루 반을 넘기지 못하고 죽는다
육부의 양기가 모두 끊어지면 음과 양이 따로 놀고, 
음양이 따로 놀면 주리(腠理)가 닫히지 않아 절한(絶汗)이 난다. 
(절한이란 구슬 같은 땀이 나오지만 흘러내리지는 않는 것이다)
그러므로 아침에 조짐이 나타나면 저녁에 죽고
저녁에 조짐이 나타나면 다음날 아침에 죽는다"고 하였다.

또, "육부의 기(氣)가 외부에서 끊어지면 기(氣)가 상승하고 다리가 오그라든다. 
오장의 기(氣)가 내부에서 끊어지면 설사가 멎지 않고, 
심하면 손발에 감각이 없어진다"라 하였다.

또, "만약 양기가 먼저 끊어진 다음에 음기가 사라지면 그 사람이 죽을 때 반드시 몸이 푸르다. 
음기가 먼저 끊어진 다음에 양기가 사라지면 
그 사람이 죽을 때 반드시 몸이 누렇고 겨드랑이가 따뜻하며 명치에서 열이 난다"고 하였다. 《중경》

禁忌 금기

《내경》에, "오래 누워 있으면 기(氣)를 상한다"고 하였다.

《서산기》에, "더러운 기(氣)를 가까이 하면 진기(眞氣)를 상하게 하고, 
사기(死氣)를 가까이 하면 생기(生氣)를 어지럽힌다"고 하였다.

사람이 빈속에 시체를 보아서는 안 된다. 
악취가 코로 들어가면 혀에 백태가 일어나고 늘 구취가 있게 된다. 
시체를 볼 때는 반드시 술을 마신 후에 보아야 독을 물리칠 수 있다. 《득효》

역병과 열병을 앓는 집에 들어갈 때는 독기가 전염되는 것을 막아야한다. 
독기는 땀을 많이 흘렸을 때처럼 더럽고 독한 냄새가 난다. 《유취》

[Disease Occurs if One Does Not Have Enough Qi]

靈樞曰, 邪之所在, 皆爲不足. 故上氣不足, 腦爲之不滿, 耳爲之苦鳴, 頭爲之苦傾, 目爲之瞑. 中氣不足, 溲便爲之變, 腸爲之苦鳴. 下氣不足, 乃爲痿厥心悗.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "In all places where pathogenic qi is present, healthy qi is deficient. Therefore, if there is not enough qi in the upper part, the brain is not filled up. If this happens, one suffers from tinnitus, a tilted head, and blindness. If one does not have enough middle qi, the status of feces and urine changes, and severe noises come from the intestines. If there is not enough qi in the lower part, the legs become weak, and the chest feels tight." 

又曰, 上氣不足, 推而揚之, 下氣不足, 積而從之, 陰陽皆虛, 火自當之.
It also says, "When there is not enough qi in the upper part, push qi upward. When there is not enough qi in the lower part, collect and send qi downward. If yin and yang are both deficient, one should use moxibustion."

[Signs of Expiring Qi]

靈樞曰, 五陰氣俱絶, 則目系轉, 轉則目運, 目運者爲志先死. 志先死, 則遠一日半死矣. 六陽氣俱絶, 則陰與陽相離, 離則腠理發泄, 絶汗乃出. 故旦占夕死, 夕占旦死絶汗者, 大如珠, 出而不流也.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "If all yin qi of the five viscera expires, the eye connector revolves, and when the eye connector revolves, the eyes turn as well. The turning of the eyes indicates that one has lost one's will. When one loses one's will, one dies before a day and a half passes. If all yang qi of the six bowels expires, yin and yang become separated from each other, and when they separate, the skin cannot be closed, causing expiry sweat. Therefore, if the signs show in the morning, one dies in the night, and if the signs show in the night, one dies in the following morning. [Expiry sweat refers to beadlike sweat that does not run down]." 

又曰, 六府氣絶于外者, 上氣脚縮. 五藏氣絶于內者, 下利不禁, 甚者手足不仁.
It also says, "If the qi of the six bowels expires from the outside, qi ascends from the lower part, and thus the legs contract. If the qi of the five viscera expires from the inside, diarrhea does not stop and if it is severe, one loses tactile sense in the hands and the feet." 

又曰, 若陽氣前絶, 陰氣後竭者, 其人死, 身色必靑. 陰氣前絶, 陽氣後竭者, 其人死, 身色必黃, 腋下溫, 心下熱也. 《仲景》
It also says, "If yang qi first expires and then yin qi disappears, the person's body becomes blue when one dies. If yin qi first expires and then yang gi disappears, the person's body is yellow, armpits are warm, and the epigastric region is hot when one dies."


內經曰, 久臥傷氣.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "Lying down for a long time damages qi." 

西山記曰, 近穢氣觸眞氣, 近死氣亂生氣.
The Xishan's Records of Reading (西山記) says, "If one approaches filthy qi, it damages genuine qi. If one approaches death qi, it disturbs living qi."

凡人空腹, 不用見尸. 臭氣入鼻, 舌上白起, 口常臭. 欲見尸者, 皆須飮酒見之, 能辟毒. 《得效》
One should not look at a corpse on an empty stomach. If the odor enters the nose, white fur occurs on the tongue and foul breath lingers. When looking at a corpse, one should drink wine in order to fight the poison.

凡入疫癘熱病之家, 皆當防其毒氣傳染. 毒氣者, 大汗穢毒之氣也. 《類聚》
When entering a house with an epidemic or a febrile disease, one should block the poisonous qi. Contagious and poisonous qi smells foul and strong just as when one perspires a lot.