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동의보감- 내경편 권1-11 도로써 병을 치료以道療病

by 광명인 2023. 10. 5.

[동의보감 원문 링크]


"옛날의 신성한 의사들은 사람의 마음 치료할 수 있어서 미리 질병에 걸리지 않도록 하였다. 
그런데 요즘 의사들은 사람의 질병 치료할 줄 알고 사람의 마음을 치료할 줄 모른다. 
이것은 근본을 버리고 말단을 좇는 것이며, 
그 근원을 궁구하지 않고 흐름만을 좇아가면서 질병이 낫기를 바라는 것이니 어리석은 일이다. 
비록 한때 요행으로 낫게 할 수는 있지만 세속의 우매한 의사들이나 하는 일이니 취할 것이 못 된다. 

태백진인이 '그 질병을 치료하려면 먼저 그 마음을 다스려야 한다. 
먼저 그 마음(心)을 바르게 해야만 (道)에 의지할 수 있다'고 하였다. 
병자로 하여금 마음속에 있는 의심과 생각들, 모든 망념과 모든 불평, 모든 차별심을 다 없애고 
평소 자신이 저질렀던 잘못을 깨닫게 하면, 
곧 몸과 마음을 비우고 자기의 세계와 사물의 세계를 일치시킬 수 있다. 
[便當放下身心, 以我之天而合所事之天]
이 상태가 지속되어 마침내 신(神)이 모이게 되면,
저절로 마음(心)이 편안하게 되고 성정이 화평하게 된다. 

결국 세간의 모든 일이 공허하고 종일토록 한 일이 모두 망상이며 
나의 몸이 모두 헛된 환영이고 화복은 실제로 있는 것이 아니며 
생사가 한낱 꿈이라는 것을 깨닫게 될 것이다. 
확실히 알아 한순간에 모든 것이 풀리게 되면 마음이 저절로 깨끗해지고 질병은 저절로 낫게 된다. 
이와 같으면 약을 먹기도 전에 질병은 사라진다. 
이것이 도(道)를 가지고 마음을 다스려 질병을 치료하는 진인의 큰 법이다"라 하였다.

또 말하기를, "지인은 병이 나기 전에 다스리고, 의사는 병이 난 뒤에 다스린다. 
병이 나기 전에 다스리는 방법에는 마음을 다스리는 것과 수양하는 것이 있고, 
병이 난 뒤에 다스리는 방법에는 약ㆍ침ㆍ뜸이 있다. 
비록 치료법은 다르지만 병의 근원은 하나인 것이니, 
병이 마음으로 인하여 생기는 것이 아니라고는 할 수 없다"고 하였다.

[Treating Diseases with the Dao]

臞仙曰, 古之神聖之醫, 能療人之心, 預使不致於有疾. 今之醫者, 惟知療人之疾而不知療人之心. 是猶捨本逐末, 不窮其源而攻其流, 欲求疾愈, 不亦愚乎. 雖一時僥倖而安之, 此則世俗之庸醫, 不足取也. 
Quxian (臞仙) said: "Wise doctors of ancient times treated the minds of people and led them to avoid diseases.  Doctors in the present day, however, only know how to treat diseases and not the minds of people. This is throwing away the fundamentals and pursuing the terminals; not investigating the origin and running after the flow and hoping for the disease to be cured. This is such an absurd act. Of course, the disease might be cured by chance, but it is something a foolish doctor of the mundane world would do, which must not be the model for others. 

太白眞人曰, 欲治其疾, 先治其心, 必正其心, 乃資於道, 使病者盡去心中疑慮思想, 一切妄念, 一切不平, 一切人我, 悔悟平生所爲過惡. 便當放下身心, 以我之天而合所事之天, 久之, 遂凝於神, 則自然心君泰寧, 性地和平, 
A hermit named Taebaek said, 'One must treat the mind to treat the disease; relying on the Dao is only  possible when the mind is in the right condition.' If the patient is led to get rid of all the doubts, thoughts, delusions, complaints, and discriminations, and is reminded to reflect on one's faults, he or she will be able to empty the body and mind and correspond to the outside world. When this state continues, the spirit gathers, and the mind becomes serene and the temperament becomes peaceful. 

知世間萬事皆是空虛, 終日營爲皆是妄想, 知我身皆是虛幻, 禍福皆是無有, 生死皆是一夢. 慨然領悟, 頓然解釋, 則心地自然淸淨, 疾病自然安痊. 能如是, 則藥未到口, 病已忘矣. 此眞人, 以道治心療病之大法也.
At last, one realizes that all the mundane is nothing but empty, all the things done are delusions, the body is nothing but a ghost, fortune, and misfortune are not reality, and life and death are nothing but a dream.  Knowing for sure and solving everything will lead the mind to be cleared at once and the disease will be cured. When this happens, the disease will vanish even before any medicine is taken. This is the fundamental law of the wise man who treats the mind with Tao to cure diseases." 

又曰, 至人治於未病之先, 醫家治於已病之後. 治於未病之先者, 曰治心, 曰修養. 治於已病之後者, 曰藥餌, 曰砭焫. 雖治之法有二, 而病之源則一, 未必不由因心而生也.
Also, he said: "Wise doctors treat diseases before they occur, and ordinary doctors treat them after they occur. Ways of treating diseases before they occur are controlling and training the mind. Ways of treating diseases after they occur are medicines, acupuncture, and moxibustion. The treatments differ but the origin of diseases is only one; it cannot be denied that diseases originate from the mind."