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동의보감- 내경편 권1-21[精] 精爲身本 정은 몸의 근본이다

by 광명인 2023. 10. 17.

精爲身本 정은 몸의 근본이다
[동의보감 원문 링크]


"두 사람의 신(神)이 서로 부딪쳐 하나가 되어 형(形)을 만드는데, 
항상 몸[身]이 생기기 전에 먼저 생겨나는 것을 정(精)이라고 한다"고 하였다. 
정(精)은 몸[身]의 근본이다. 

또, "오곡의 진액이 섞여 기름이 되는데 
이것이 뼈의 구멍으로 스며들어 골수를 채운 뒤 사타구니로 흘러간다. 
음양의 조화가 깨지면 정액이 음부(陰部)로 넘쳐흐르게 된다. 
지나치게 빠져나가면 허(虛)하게 되고, 
허(虛)하게 되면 허리와 등이 아프고 정강이가 시큰거린다"고 하였다. 

또, "골수는 를 채우고 있는 것이고 는 수해(髓海)이다. 
수해가 부족하면 머리가 빙빙 돌고 가 울며, 
정강이가 시큰거리고 이 어지럽고 캄캄해진다"라 하였다.

정(精) 을 만드는 오곡

[Essence Is the Basis of the Human Body]

靈樞曰, 兩神相薄, 合而成形, 常先身生, 是謂精. 精者, 身之本也. 又曰, 五穀之津液, 和合而爲膏, 內滲入于骨空, 補益髓腦, 而下流于陰股. 陰陽不和, 則使液溢而下流于陰, 下過度則虛, 虛則腰背痛而脛痠. 又曰, 髓者, 骨之充, 腦爲髓海. 髓海不足, 則腦轉, 耳鳴, 胻痠, 眩冒.
In the Divine Pivot (靈樞), it is said that: "The spirit of two people join to form a new shape. What is always made before the body is formed is called essence. "Essence is the fundamental substance of the body. It is also said that: "The fluid and humor from the five grains are combined to make oil which seeps into the holes of the bones, fills up the bone marrow and the brain, and flows into the groins. When the balance between yin and yang is broken, semen leaks out to the genitals. Too much leaking out causes a deficiency, which leads to pain in the thoracic and lumbar regions, and a sore feeling in the shins. "Also, it is said: "Bone marrow is what fills the insides of the bones and the brain is the sea of bone marrow. When the sea of bone marrow is deficient, there is dizziness, ringing in the ears, soreness in the shins, and blurred vision."