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동의보감- 내경편 권1-23[精] 精宜秘密 정은 굳게 지켜져야 한다

by 광명인 2023. 10. 19.

精宜秘密 정은 굳게 지켜져야 한다
[동의보감 원문 링크]

"음양의 요체는 양(陽)이 굳게 지켜야 음(陰)이 든든해진다는 것이다. 
그러므로 양(陽)이 지나치게 성해져 굳게 지키지 못하면 음기가 끊어진다고 한 것이다. 
음(陰)이 화평하고 양(陽)이 굳게 지켜지면 정신(精神)이 다스려지고, 
음(陰)과 양(陽)이 따로 놀면 정기(精氣)가 끊어진다"고 하였다. 

"음양이 만나는 요체는 바로 양기를 굳게 지켜 함부로 내보내지 않는 데 있다. 
굳게 지켜서 함부로 내보내지 않으면 생기가 튼튼해져서 오래 살 수 있으니, 
이것이 성인의 도이다. 
양(陽)이 지나치게 성해져 굳게 지키지 못하면 음(陰)이 빠져나가 정기(精氣)가 끊어지고, 
음기가 화평하고 양기가 굳게 지켜지면 정신(精神)이 날로 좋아진다"고 하였다.

오장이 각기 정을 저장하지만 결코 그 곳에만 머물러 있는 것은 아니다. 사람이 교감하기 전에는 정이 혈 속에 있어 제 모습을 갖추고 있지 않지만, 교감을 한 후 욕화가 극에 달하면 온몸을 흐르는 피가 명문(命門)에서 정으로 변화하여 새어 나간다. 그러므로 사람에게서 배출된 정을 그릇에 담아 약간의 소금과 술을 섞은 뒤 하룻밤 밖에 두면 다시 혈이 된다. 《진전》

음양의 조화

[Essence Should Be Secured Thoroughly]

內經曰, 凡陰陽之要, 陽密乃固. 故曰, 陽强不能密, 陰氣乃絶. 陰平陽秘, 精神乃治, 陰陽離決, 精氣乃絶. 
It is said in the Inner Classic (內經): "The key point of yin-yang is that yin is strong only when yang is well protected. This is why yin qi is said to have collapsed when yang is too active. When yin is harmonized and yang is secured, essence-spirit is in control; when yin and yang are separated the essence-qi collapses." 

註曰, 陰陽交會之要, 正在於陽氣閉密而不妄泄爾. 密不妄泄則生氣强固而能久長, 此聖人之道也. 陽自强而不能閉密, 則陰泄瀉而精氣竭絶矣. 陰氣和平, 陽氣閉密, 則精神之用日益治也.
In the Annotation, it says "The key point of the yin-yang interaction is that yang should be secured and not let out easily. If it is well protected and kept from moving too much, the vital qi gets strong, which leads to longer life, and this is the way of the wise. If yang is too active that it is not secured well, yin is abandoned to wander. This leads to the collapse of essence qi, and if yin is harmonized and yang is well protected, the essence-spirit gets better day by day.

五藏各有藏精, 幷無停泊于其所. 盖人未交感, 精涵于血中, 未有形狀, 交感之後, 慾火動極, 而周身流行之血, 至命門而變爲精以泄焉. 故以人所泄之精, 貯于器, 拌少鹽酒, 露一宿則復爲血矣. 《眞詮》
All five viscera store essence, but it does not remain in the stored place. It stays in the blood in an unrecognizable form when a person is not interacting with another person. However, when the person interacts with another person and desire peaks, blood transforms to essence in the life gate, and leaks out. Therefore, the essence from a person is kept in a bowl with a little amount of salt and wine for one night and put outside, it will transform back to blood."

《내경》에, "신(腎)은 수(水)를 주관하고 오장육부의 정(精)을 받아서 저장한다"고 하였다. 주(註)에, "신(腎)은 정(精)을 모아 관장하는 곳인데 신(腎) 하나만 정(精)을 가지고 있는 것은 아니다"라 하였다.